Saturday 21 October 2017

Shoot Day 6: Carology News - "How Much Does Motoring Cost" (Live Interview RE SHOOT)

 After our meeting with Helen we wanted to take her advise and re film the interview. After looking back at the Ajay interview, we realised that it did look very set up and very un-live. This meant we had to think of a new idea for the live interview.

We decided to go to Brands Hatch and talk to a racing driver about his thoughts on the cost of motoring as well as motorsport and that if motorsport could be going electric in the next few years. We went to brands hatch without anyone to interview because of the tiny amount of time we had to think about this, but we had a good idea and some great questions meaning that we were very confident that we could go up to someone and get a great interview.

Unfortunately today it was just myself and George today, having to operate sound, 2 cameras and presenting. This left us in a very very tough situation. Cailan had a family dinner that he had to attend which is fair, but Andrew was also busy meaning it was tough for us. It did make George and I frustrated that we did not have someone else to help us out today because it was very very tough to get all the cameras  and sound set up properly. We did a little sketch on a napkin about how we wanted to conduct the interview. Very classy.

I had been to Brands Hatch numerous amounts of times before meaning I knew the location but we did want to reccie it again before shooting. We walked around the paddock and discussed areas that could be a possibility, and others that may not be. Eg: Dangerous or loud (like a generator). I suggested to George that he introduce us as he is good with words and he did a good job of finding two people to interview.

Nonetheless George and I did a really good job of finding two people to interview and then setting up in a very professional way. We talked to two racing drivers, Firstly Stuart who raced in the Formula Fords and then Jason who also raced in the Formula Fords. We talked to both drivers for about 10 minutes before the interviews because we wanted to get both of the drivers before we did our 2 minute interview. Once we had got to know the drivers we started the interviews.

Both of these interviews did go well, The first interview with Stuart was a little more awkward as some of his responses where very sharp and I found it hard to come up with a good response when the answer was so short. The interview was also a little bit longer than we expected, around 3 min 30 seconds so it was probably going to be unusable in our show because that is vastly overrunning our time limit set by Helen.

The second interview with Jason went a lot better, I honestly felt this could have been even better than the Ajay interview. Jason gave us some great answers as well as being a very interesting character. He was really friendly as well being great on camera. He answered the 4 questions in around 2:20 which is much closer to the 2 minute time that we have been challenged to do.

After the interviews had taken place and we felt like that was good enough to use, we took down the contact details of both drivers so we could send them the final footage and then had a quick lunch and discussed what we should do.

We decided to get some shots of both of the drivers out on track so that we could overlay the footage over the interview to possibly cover up when i look down at my phone to look at the question or when George changes positions and the camera is shaky. We took down the car numbers after the interviews as well as what races they where racing in so we could make sure we focused on them to get the footage of them out on track.

After the lunch break we headed out to focus on Stuart and Jason's cars and I got some great footage of them out on track while George was getting some pictures of them out on track so that we could send them to the drivers in case they wanted to use them. We wanted to give something back to the drivers as a thank you for letting us five minutes of their time.

After we had got all the footage that we wanted we decided to head back to George's and look at the footage and get it into both of our laptops. We where impressed with both interviews but the second interview was shot better as well as being a better interview in itself. It was closer to the time limit and also George did a great job especially with the second interview with the shot as we had a good two shot in a tripod (because nobody else helped us we had to have one on a tripod) but George was handheld and got some close ups.

To conclude the day I have to say I am very happy with how it went. With only two of us doing the job of four people I think we can give ourselves a pat on the back. George worked like crazy to get the best shots and I felt my presentation was good as well. Especially as I have a lot of interest in motorsport it probably made it easier for me to product a natural interview. When we filmed the cars in track I think I did a good job with that. I have been filming race events since i was like 10 years old, so in a way this was pretty natural to me.

The audio was also great on all parts of the shoot as well. The tascam was capturing great audio from the interviews and the

shotgun microphone that I have on my camcorder with a wind filter got good audio from the cars out on track.

We now though, have to re film the studio report and we have got that booked for next Tuesday. We are thinking that it may be possible for Andrew and Cailan to both present the news report. Andrew was disappointed that he messed up in the last shoot and we thought that he deserved to have another chance now we are re filming it. Andrew just needs to make sure he adapts the lines before shoot day because he complained last time that he did not know the lines but he had not adapted the lines to suit how he would say it. We need a flawless shoot on Tuesday where it goes smoothly with no hiccups. Both Andrew and cailan need to edit the script beforehand so that it is natural right away.

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