Thursday 19 October 2017

Carology News - Editing Process Part 2 Feedback From Helen and What we are doing about it.

Today we had our draft cut viewing with Helen which was going to give us vital feedback on our report o far so we could make any last minute changes before it is submitted next Thursday. However before this we caught up as a team because cailan and Andrew had not been present for any of the edit so far and needed to see what George had been doing (And also what I had been suggesting as well)

While it did still have a few gaps the project is now formed into a very solid piece with an interview as well as a package and all the in between studio stuff. We watched the show as a team and we all did like it. However I raised the point that we are currently over time by about a minute with the interview and about 2 minutes ones the package has been completed with the voice over.

We did not want to change anything however before the meeting with helen so that we could see what she had to say first. We did go into the meeting with a good amount of confidence as we had got all our report filmed and had a good rough cut ready. Helen did really like the first part of the report, The package made sense and also she praised me as a presenter which I was happy about. I had never presented before do to here these kind words from Helen it did give me confidence that I had done a good job because I was unsure on the day of filming. However now I do watch it back myself I am happy as it has come out very well and it did look natural which I was surprised with!

However one point Helen did make was that Cailan was a little dry with his news anchor-ing. She did seem to think that he sapped a little bit of energy out of the project. The second half of the project was also met with mixed reception. While Helen liked the interview, she said it did not really fit the course brief. It was not really as live it was more as a package because of the location. This was obviously hard for us because we really, really liked the interview but we had to realise that it was not quite what was needed for the live part.

Overall Helen was very positive about the project. My presenting was met with a great reception and so was the majority of the shots that I directed. I was really happy with this personally, but I could see the rest of the team came out of the meeting very downbeat as we had 3/4 days to source, plan, film and edit a new LIVE piece.

After the meeting we wanted to discuss ideas, Andrew left before we had really discussed anything but the rest of us kept brainstorming to try and think of a possible new Live Interview. It was hard to brainstorm on the spot but we did visit some old ideas that we had before we had decided on talking to Ajay. We had thought about talking to a car mechanic that we talked to over the phone but as of right now George could not locate the number of the person that we called. We also visited the idea of talking to a car dealership, possibly NISSAN, SMART or RENAULT who we had had previous contact with. We did think however both would be likely to be very bias in their own way. the mechanic would be critical of electric while dealerships would be super positive about electric, so it would be hard to decide which one would be the better angle.

We tried to phone local car dealerships again as well as emailing back contacts that we had already got, we hope to get a response to that quickly. As for a possible mechanic to talk to we had looked for other local ones and did call them but got shut down right away which made us feel this may not be the best option.

None the less we did prepare some possible questions if either of these options did become available:

  1. What is the development of electric cars?
  2. What has the range increased from and to in the last few years?
  3. What are the comparisons between your petrol and electric models? Are there any particular advantages to going electric?
  4. Are there any future advancements to electric tech in the next few years?
  5. What is going to be the next step for the car industry?
We decided not to  stick in the environment at uni which did seem to become a little hard to come up with new ideas, so we decided to head home after George had booked out a Tascam voice recorder so we can record audio in the next few days. (We also took some quick pictures of andrew dressed as a mechanic that we may use as a backing picture for when the mechanics quotes are read aloud)

After we got home George and I got on skype to talk through ideas and things that we want to re-film over the next few days! Cailan and Andrew could not make the calls due to other commitments, which did mean again George and I had to make some big decisions for the group as a two but we felt that we have to be clinical at this late stage of this project. George and I got talking about possible ideas as well as ways we could develop the ideas that we have got already for the news piece.

As a motorsport fan, a thought came to my mind. We could do a live interview at Brands Hatch this weekend with a racing driver who could talk us through how much he spends on running his car as well as if he would be interested in racing electric cars in the future! It would also give us a great reason to be LIVE and the location setting would be much more interesting than what it was in the Ajay interview.

George agreed that this was a good idea so we want to try and plan around this and film on Saturday George just needs to get the day off work! Cailan has already stated that he cannot make the shoot because of a family dinner and Andrew said he may struggle to get there using public transport as well as working late the night before. We will get further with this idea tomorrow and expand on these questions that I have started off with.
  1. How long have you been racing?
  2. We know motorsport is an expensive hobby, how much do you spend on petrol in a race weekend? 
  3. Has the cost of running a car gone up over time?
  4. Do you think we may see a rise in electric racing cars in the future, as they may be a cheaper alternative?
Here is a list of b roll that we plan to film tomorrow.
  • Side shots of the car going past
  • Close up of changing gear
  • Close up of steering wheel
  • Close up of speedometer
  • Close up of opening door from the inside
  • Tesla better B ROLL?
  • Re film the outro of the car test with proper figures and also close up of the phone.
Also some notes for us to do tomorrow.

  1. Andrew will do the voiceover tomorrow if there is time to do so!
  2. Cailan should edit the channel trailer while George edits and I assist him.

It has been a tough day to realise we do still have a lot to film, however like we have been for the rest of the project, we need to remain positive because we have still managed to create so many good shots even though adversity! We will film extra B ROLL tomorrow as well as properly planning what we intend to film possibly at Brands Hatch as well as what we could do if that plan does not pull through. As always we will find a solution.... 

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