Tuesday 24 October 2017

Carology News - Editing Process Part 5 & Refilming the Studio Piece

Today was a very important day to pull everything together for the project. We had our studio re shoot. This was vital because without re shooting this scene our whole piece would not make any sense. We got in and Andrew and Cailan did some practice run throughs while George and I set up all the equipment.

George and I did struggle with the shadows, especially now we had two presenters it made dealing with shadows much worse than last time. We did play around with the lights and what seemed to work best was 3 lights based very close to the camera and that did minimise the shadows.

The heat that was created from the three tungsten lights plus a LED was immense. I really did feel for the lads presenting because it was really tough with the heat and also the lights where really bright. However once we got into recording it did start off pretty well. Cailan had learned his lines well and was very confident and nailed most lines first time. Andrew did struggle more, like last time. Even though we planned to just use Cailan as a news anchor but Andrew said last time he was only bad because he had not learned his lines so we wanted to give him a chance. We did have to do a number of takes because of the mistakes, George and I did not mind having as many takes as possible as long as we got it right. We did see the energy sap as it went on though, understandably with the conditions they where trying to present in.

We also had a problem with the clip mics. They were picking up a horrible amount of distortion and Ferg was in a meeting so we did not have the opportunity to ask him what was going on. I then came up with the idea of placing the shotgun mic just out of view of the camera to pick up the presenters audio. While this is not idea considering our time constraints I suggested it was better to get this recorded then wait for an unone amount of time for the wireless microphones to be fixed.

We did finally get some good takes, it ended up taking around three hours but we where happy with the final result. I also spent a good amount of time setting the camera up properly, so when we got it on the PC it looked really crisp and I do have to say if I had not spent that time we may have got footage which was slightly washed out and out of focus.

Once we got a basic sequence together we showed it to Helen who could give her opinions on it so we could get around to editing this. Unfortunately Cailan and Andrew left before this meeting meaning George and I had to make big decisions for the team once again.
Here are the points made in this meeting:

  • Clean Audio (Andrew was suppose to do this)
  • Show Alex live on location in Intro
  • Add Graphics (Alex and Jason name tags as well as text on screen)
  • Blur numberplate
  • Audio levels and transitions
  • Colour correction
  •  B ROLL of Volkswagen Golf
  • Audio distorted in voice over parts
  • 2 Shot in AJAY interview so you know I am here (and audio cuts off at the end)
  • Up Ajays audio level
  • Cut around Cailan looking at the floor
  • Abarth stats pop up individually
  • OOV Before stating in car shots
  • ker chingggg $$$$$ sound effects
  • On screen text to back up what is being said in the voiceover in package
  • A lot of data so may need to be freeze framed and displayed on screen 
  • Ajay should be put in the package
  • Add voice over to add Ajay into the package
We started work on this list but we are aware that we still need to create a website and a channel trailer. Cailan said he can do this as he is not going to be in tomorrow so he would do both of these from home. Andrew said he could not make it in tomorrow when we really need him to be in helping us with audio which he was suppose to have done but has not. Yet once again we have been let down by him which is frustrating because he is a really great person but has just let us down on numerous amounts of occasions so far in this unit and we as a team are disappointed on the way he has handled it. 

I have completed a retake of my audio for the package as it was distorted in the recording that I did previously at the studios, and I have also recorded the audio that was needed to link Ajay into the package. Helen said that we did not need to worry so much about the running time. We just need to state in the evaluation that this was a mistake on our part that we had to run over the suggested time because of things taking more time than we expected. 

Today was a success. When we where there at the same time we worked really well together and got a lot done. When it was just George and I we did still keep motoring on and got a lot done but it does always get tougher when it is only two of us because the conversation normally only does one way or the other. With at least three people we would have the extra outlet to bounce an idea off of. George has also nearly completed the map of the route which is fantastic and I did a little bit of arranging of the clips so the audio starts playing before I come into view in the package, just to make the flow better as well as shortening the overall time! 

Today was also the first time in about a week directing which was great for me personally. I think I did a good job at telling the lads what my ideas where as well as how i was planning on implementing them. The filming process went smoothly barring the retakes for the slip ups. I think the quality of the footage was better than last week's as well which was probably down to there being four of us not three. I also have more expertise in the video recording rather than editing so I wanted to make sure my full knowledge and skills where on show today! Happy with the progress and looking forward to the final day of editing tomorrow. I will give George a few hours by himself like I have done most days so far so that George can concentrate and put things into the place that he feels right.

One more day. One more day....

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