Tuesday 10 October 2017

Shoot Day 2: Carology News - "How Much Does Motoring Cost" (B-ROLL in Car Dealerships)

Today was a day dedicated to getting B-ROLL Footage for our show. This included at car dealerships, Tesla charging stations and shots to add in of cars travelling on the road. We also did plan to re-film parts of the intro and outro if it was needed. Cailan could not unfortunately come today as he had a headache and the journey may have made it a lot worse.

We started off reviewing the footage so we had an idea if we wanted to re film any later, at the time we did not too, but we did actually end up filming more (more on this later) George and I gave our input on this and critiqued the shots and said what we could change. However both of us did try to get Andrew's opinion but it was hard to know what he really thought of yesterdays footage.

 Our first call was Smart/Mercedes in Maidstone. We had a lot of them over the last few weeks as they had promised a car for us to hire but unfortunately happen. However I kept emailing and they said we could come in and get some footage of the electric car to use as B-Roll. It worked really well, they were not busy and at the same time the car was lit well because it was right next to the window. We all had a camera each and tried to get a different shot each. George used his little skateboard - tripod "thing?" to get some shots of the car from ground level looking up at the car while the skateboard moves. It created some really nice shots and it will be something very unique. Andrew and I got some shots of the exterior and interior of the car. This footage will be crucial for when we voice over parts in the package.

We then repeated this same filming technique in the Nissan dealership just across the road. We did not have any contact with them beforehand but they where great and let us film which was great. It was important because Renault, who we did plan to use as a "comparison" for our package sold their electric car meaning we could not get B-Roll for the package. This means a slight alteration for the script because we are now going to compare the Nissan Leaf to the Nissan Micra. This will be a little script adaptation that will take a few minutes to make sure we have the correct facts but the B-Roll we acquired was very good and we are all happy with what we have captured.

 After filming at the dealerships and having a quick lunch we went to the Tesla charging station just down the road from the maidstone studios. We waited until the car that was there to leave and then we shot some B-Roll of the chargers. They are not super-interesting however it may come in handy if we talk about Tesla as they are the name that comes to mind when people think of electric cars.

Around the same time got some B-Roll of cars moving on the road, this can be used just if we need a general shot to fill some time of me speaking to the gamers or on a voice over segment. We wanted to make sure we made the most of the day because of all of the days this was the least intense so we wanted to get all the footage possible today. We achieved the task of gaining many minutes of footage of cars on the road and parking etc which will most likely come in handy when editing as it will give us options! Always handy!

We also filmed some shots for the final sequence, this is of my car pulling into the car park and pulling up into a parking space. 3 Angles captures was very good and it will do a better job at telling the story. Otherwise I just pop up randomly in the car park, with no context!

Unfortunately Andrew had to so george had to go and drop him off and then drive back to the final location to re-film a few shots of yesterday's first sequence. This was obviously hard to film as I had to drive and George was the only person who could operate the camera. George did a great job, it is basically the same as the final sequence of e pulling into the car park but in the other direction. We filmed a shot of me starting the car, The exhaust rumbling and then the car pulling away. This means we can cut from me sitting in the car, to the car starting and then pulling away. Once again, it's a little more context which will help the viewer understand what's going on better.

Overview of today:
I thought it went well, to only have three of us was obviously a struggle meaning some of the shots may not be as good as they may have been if we had a fourth pair of eyes but these things happen. However all of the shots we got will be very useful for editing as we have now captured so much B-Roll we have more than enough for the driving sequence. We will record more tomorrow, however that is more for the opening of the show. It was a little disappointing that Andrew had to miss the final part of the shoot as it made it very tricky to film, but George did a stand out job  at getting the shots, but an extra pair of hands would have made all of our lives easier. On to day three!

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