Thursday 19 October 2017

Professional Practice Introduction & CV Workshop

Even if you take a placement you will have to still come to uni on certain days.

Good opportunity to focus on a chosen speciality.

Will be a written analysis after the placement, not a diary.

Time management will be key as it a self directed schedule

Helen will be marking the analysis

20 hours scheduled work, 100 hours independent activity / 80 hours work placement

Will be required to sign a learning agreement before you start the placement or commission

Will be required to maintain contact

Commission option:

Will assist in securing a placement but you will be able to find one yourself if it fits in the guidelines

With both options you hand in the report at the end.

By NEXT TUESDAY you must have chosen your option. 7th November learning pack confirmed

14th Nov - Report writing workshop - come to this

50% Blog / 50% Written report of 1500-2000 words.

Blog: How and why you are doing not just what you are doing.

Commission options:
Guidehall Museum - Film Commission (Rochester High St)

Maidstone Studios - 90 Second Promo, emphasising brand etc

Work Placement:
Renegade Production Company (2 week placement for 2 students) need to have no other work to interfere

SoundCredit.TV (2 weeks working on shoots, in the office prepping and out in location: Located in Crayford)

Ignition Creative: Talk here on 3rd Nov (Placements depend on what you are interested in. Located in Central London)

Foleys Foot and Moves (Located in the studios: Ad-Hoc work, may not be enough work for the brief. Sound dubbing etc)

MyUCA - Pro Practice - Teaching Materials - Pro Practice FORMS - Learning Pack DEADLINE 7TH NOVEMBER

CV Guide:
Research and Approach
  1. Think about your skills: What are your specialities 
  2. Look for companies that you would like to work with: Companies you may have already thought about.
  3. Do your homework: Research into the company and find out more
  4. Show interest: Why you have chosen them and why you would love to work with them . Personalise
  5. Follow it through: Call back and try to keep in contact after the placement finishes
What do you have to offer
Honestly assess what skills you have learned over the last few years and then write them down.
Also identify the skills that you want to gain anything that you want to expand on?

  • Study job description
  • Personalise your CV
  • Match specific words to job
Order of items on your CV
  1. Personal details
  2. career profile
  3. education and qulaifications
  4. employment and work experience
  5. achievements
  6. relevant skills
  7. references
No need for DOB, Gender Nationality etc

Put Newest Jobs/Qualifications first: Dont need to say every grade etc.

Key skills 

References from previous jobs and experiences 

Put your name and email / phone number on every page 

Think about branding, something consistent over multiple platforms

Address to the right person. Try to not address it to "sir/madam" as it seems like you have not done any research into the company.

Final Points

When sending online, save and attach it as a PDF, then it cannot be changed by a third party.

Follow up with a phone call a few days after your application. It gives them a better idea about how confident you are online and at the same time it could let the application move on quicker as you could get a yes or no answer right there.

Job Application tracker. worth looking at to keep an idea about what jobs you have applied for and also what information you have responded to with.

Making a good first impression is important as it can set the tone straight away
Take a copy of the CV and the job description 
Be confident and shake hands
Look interested and ask your own questions
Dont give yes or no answers
Give examples of achievements
Ask if you dont understand the question
Answer questions with examples

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