- Feels authentic and authoritative
- Good colours and branding
- The rolling news is too thick and covers andrew but the framing of the shot is nice
- Written well and presented by Andrew
- For the "live shot" it is recommended to be on the shoulder not on a tripod.
- Ideally you want to speak to the people who are affected by the issue not just myself sitting there on a chair.
- Could do with a logo in the top right
- Autocue could be a little fast as Andrew feels like he is waiting for the next line.
News Package
- Self contained news items
- News anchor does no more than intro and outro the item
- Presenter must have a tag and location.
What you shoot should drive what you write, and how you write should drive your editing
Scripting is therefore important - use the script as a template for structuring and guiding your edit
Ensure you fully research what you are trying t shoot so that you can prepare as best as possible
Good package will include
- Interviews, vox pops and set ups
- Sequences and actuality
- GV
In this way the piece can stand alone and make sense to the audience without the need for further explanation.
- Style
- Storytelling devices and motifs
- How you will introduce the key themes characters and locations
- Engage the audience
- Dont forget to entertain as well as inform
- Shoot action
- Let the action happen
- Always set up a sequence for each interview
- Close ups are best to edit around
- Remember to hold your shots
- Let your subject enter and leave the frame
- Get good coverage.
- Take your time with kit
- Spend time prior to recording to set up
- Shound check
- Framing and eyelines
- No such thing as free footage - always owned by someone
- Beware about slander and possible ways your footage could be misconstrued
Order of ordering footage
- The Sync Pull
- Rough Cut
- Fine Cut
Ensure your story is appropriate for your target audience.
Be clear who you are making your news platform for
Ensure you have checked what has already been broadcast
Make your ideas new, brave and relevant
Work in a group and make sure EVERYONE contributes
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