Wednesday 18 October 2017

Carology News - Editing Process Part 1

While I was not the head editor in this project, I did want to at least keep upto date with what was happening as well as giving my input when I feel it is needed. George has made a fantastic start to the editing process and has a draft cut almost complete for Thursday. I know George wanted space while editing so I am doing my best to only say something when I feel that is really necessary.

Even though I would love to be able to do everything myself I need to realise that 1) I cannot and 2) It's a team project and everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Of course I am inputting my advice into what George is editing but I have to be real that not all I say will make it in. This is the first time while at university where I do not have a good amount of control over what the final edit it, meaning I am having to watch what I say a lot more. George's speciality is editing and I have full faith in what he is putting together, he has made a great start and on Thursday we will all have a watch as a group for the first time. Cailan and Andrew have not been in since it has been put into post production on Monday. This will present new eyes on what has been edited and what can be improved.

So, while I could not do any editing myself I still wanted to keep busy on the project. I knew that something I had wanted from the start was a graphic of the route that we took for our journey. This would present a great visual cue about what is going on. George had said that he had an idea about how to edit said map so I wanted to create a map that George can use to edit it. Luckily I can remember very well the route that we took so I created a cap using google maps and Photoshop. It is a little crude but it shows clearly what our route is so George can edit it.

After finishing the map I wanted to re word the script because with the footage we have now got, the original script now makes no sense. We wanted to get footage at Renault for a Renault Zoe vs Renault Clio comparison but that fell through when they sold the Renault Zoe. So we had to go to nissan over the road and we got some footage of the Nissan Leaf and the similarly sized Nissan Micra. I did a good amount of research on multiple Car websites to use the official figures of both cars to work out running costs and fully charged/fuelled range. Here is how the edited script looks after I have edited it with the relevant info for the new footage.

Links to research sources for finding Nissan leaf and Nissan Micra Ranges & Figures.
Nissan leaf fill up cost:
Nissan Micra fill up cost I also worked out the range by multilying the MPG and fuel tank size and then dividing by 4.5 (conversion from gallons to liters)
Nissan Leaf Range:

PTC Alex in car

B-ROLL of car on the road

Alex - “So how much would it cost you to run an electric car? Let’s look at the Uk’s highest selling electric car, the nissan leaf. It costs just £3 to fully charge, compare that to Nissan’s similarly sized petrol car, the micra, which costs £48 to fill up.”
PTC Alex in car

B-ROLL of car on the road / SHOWROOM
Alex - “However you must have to consider the range of both of these cars. The Electric Leaf has a range of 155 miles while the Petrol micra has a range of 520 miles on a full tank.”
PTC Alex in car

B-ROLL of car on the road / SHOWROOM
Alex - “So when you do the numbers, doing 520 miles in the electric car would cost you £10, still much cheaper than a petrol but it does make you think about the range of electric cars, if you do long journeys regularly, they may not really an option right now” .

I think this now fits much better with the show, this should take up about 30 seconds but it has very important information that links the test to electric cars.

One thing I also explored further was B Roll from tesla as we did not have much, only a little from one of their charging stations. I looked into Tesla Press kits and they have some stock footage that they encourage people to use, also including some 4k footage. We will probably use this footage as it is more interesting than what we have got. It was a good find because it will add some more movement that still shots of the charging stations. This is also footage from the manufacturer so it is free to use for our project. I also looked into more electric car B ROLL that could be used for the channel trailer.

While George was editing we made a few notes about things to be improved and also things that may need to be re filmed. Here is a short summary.

  • Replace bike shot with train or car shot
  • Find correct fonts
  • Find shots of alex driving away from intro scene 
  • Discuss order of package
  • Match panasonic audio to go pro clips
  • Find background for green screen
  • Blur numberplates
  • Tesla B Roll Footage
  • Straighten traffic shot
  • Audio levels
  • Consider second angle for Intro
  • Graphics for maps etc
  • "Live" Logo (Suggested by George adapted by myself)

Also some more B Roll we could film

  1. Car driving past from the side
  2. Inside car shots while I am driving. Gear Change, indicator etc.
  3. Close up of phone (results)
  4. Turning off engine (key)
  5. Possibly having to re film outro of sequence.
Here are the stats I found for the Nissan leaf vs Nissan micra comparison:

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