Thursday 5 October 2017

Changes to our Project after Meeting with Helen

Today was our final feedback session with Helen before shooting. It brought up some very important information about our project. We went into this meeting pretty happy with our idea and project in general, and after we listed to Helen's feedback it was a positive boost as well as some great pointers and contacts for us to follow up. Here is the list of what was talked about in the meeting and then below is what we did right after to resolve the issues with the project.
  • PACKAGE - Are electric cars VIABLE - e.g distance/charging etc. what's new? Directly comparing two different types of car. 
  • Follow up aerial footage/electric car race lead. 
  • CONTEXT? What do already know about electric cars and viability etc? 
  • LIVE - interview with electric car "nut" - worked with the big dealers and organised events - SUSTAINABILITY? will it last 2'00". RAC??? 
  • CONTRIBUTORS - smart; RAC ??? 
  • REPORTER - Alex 
  • CREATE A TONE FOR BOTH FILMS - treatment ! 
  • LOCATIONS - permissions sorted. RECCE - risk assessment. 
  • SHOOT DATE - w/c 9th October.
Unfortunately Andrew could not attend our post meeting chat, but we did discuss what was said in the meeting as a trio and wanted to resolve the problems that helen pointed out.

The Problem with the Package

Helen thought that the problem with our package was that it was too scientific for three non-car testers to fortake. If we where to do a comparison between a petrol and electric car we would have to run the cars side by side on the same route at the same time. This unfortunately would not be possible due to no car companies coming forward to help us out. This meant that we would have to change our angle a little. Helen liked the idea of going in the car and explaining some facts about the future of cars but the test would have be different  (less scientific) or non-existent and only used for a little bit of B-ROLL.

George had a great idea, to slightly change the angle we would actually say that the petrol car is actually, right now a cheaper car to buy outright and run for a few years (because of the extensive cost of electric cars). It would still be cheaper to run a car with electric but the problem is the initial cost. In this package we would explain facts that we have acquired through various contacts. We have had a few great conversations with mechanics who say that they would still want a petrol car as a daily driver as the infrastructure is just not there for electric cars to take over the nation. it will take time, money and a lot of resources to just get the electric fuel stops in place and even then the length of the charge would be a massive issue. We are going to reword our script tomorrow to include this new idea. We still plan to have the interview with the electric car enthusiast which will be the more positive outlook. The package will be a more cautious look at the future of cars and also if it is quite ready for electric to go national.

Helen said to contact the RAC but they had no response except from saying they would call George back. We hope they will get back to us but we wanted to get on with another possible interview so George got on the phone to another contact I had found. It was a vehicle repair place in Malling not too far from the studios. He gave us some great insight into what he thinks about electric cars and how they are maintained. He said similar things to Bo harper who we contacted a few days back but he did also go further and give his honest feelings on electric cars and if he would own one. He said that he ran a 6.3l Mustang so may have a certain taste however with his experience in the car industry he could not see himself owning an electric car for a while. He said that it will take a very long time for the infrastructure to be there for him to use an electric car in the same way he uses a petrol. He also said that electric cars just are not as fun to drive for him which is a massive part for him when buying a car. This was a great call and we thought that we could possibly call him back and maybe try to arrange a proper, more formal interview. We will discuss a group tomorrow and see what we think would be the best option. We have relayed this information to Andrew so he can keep up with our ideas.

We also did get told my Helen that the live interview may struggle to be interesting for two minutes. We have decided for not to stick with this idea because of our time restraint but we have thought of some good ways to make it interesting.
  • Interview could be set in the car
  • Interview could be Ajay reacting to other negative opinions about electric cars
  • Balance questions which are positive and negative
Helen had wanted us to have a "battle" between a electric car superfan and also an electric car hater, we have given this some thought and will try to follow up some leads but we may struggle to change the idea in such a short space of time. We will discuss this more tomorrow about which direction we want to take the live interview and hopefully Andrew can give his input in. We had also thrown around the idea of the RAC guy being in the live interview but they did not seem to want to as it was hard enough to get to get through to someone!!!

Helen had provided us with a great contact who had shot some drone footage of a new and old electric car. We have followed up this lead and hope to get the rights to the footage so that we can use it in our piece. Even if it is just for B-ROLL it would be very nice and very unique. This was great of helen to give us this contact, we will make sure that we make the most of it!

Andrew was there in the morning and did create a risk assessment but I have had to adapt it to make sure we can get it printed off tomorrow and we hope there will be no issues. We have recced every possible location that we could with the restrictions of university to work around. We have decided not to use any of UCA's equipment whilst filming in London just to be safe!

This is our Risk assessment after my adaption!

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