Thursday 16 November 2017

Watford Ladies Week Behind The Scenes: Draft Script

"The very nature of the documentary is that it is “unscripted”. It is meant to capture some aspect of “real life”. Then it is up to the you (the writer) to take the messiness of real life and create some kind of story - As the scriptwriter, you will need to examine all the “unscripted” & “raw” footage and create some sort of structure out of it" (Desktop Documentaries, 2013) This was very true of my documentary. It felt like a lot of what I have written is in the "to be confirmed" stage as I am not exactly sure what is going to be said in the interviews. I have, however, wrote something that could be said, as a generic answer so I know a decent way to segway between the various questions.

Here is my first script version of this commission. It will probably have to be adapted as the documentary goes on and I start to film it.


Desktop Documentaries, 2013
Accessed on 16th November 2017

Pictures (PIX)
PTC (on location)
Name tag, location and day.

OOV - Drone shot of training area.
Alex “Today we are here in Harefield to follow Watford Ladies in their build up to the London Bee’s game this weekend”
PTC (on location)
Alex “Tuesday is the first of three days training for Watford Ladies each week. Each training session is vital to gain knowledge on the next opponent”
PTC (on location)
Alex “Today we are going talk to (x) who is going to talk us through today’s training session.
Wide Shot - Interview
Alex “So (x) Today is the first training session of the week, do you have a routine each week that you follow?”
Close up on (x)
(B roll of training)
(x) Replies “Yeah we follow this schedule etc”
Wide shot
Alex “So how do you train for a certain opponent, do you look at videos of previous games and work out their strengths and weaknesses.
Close up on (x)
(B roll of training)
(x) Replies “We look at previous games and see where they could be a threat etc”
Wide shot
Alex “With this week's game being away from home, does that change your approach as a team?”
Close up on (x)
(B roll of training)
(x) Replies “we may be more on the counter attack as it is an away game etc”
Close up on Alex (cut to wide)
Alex “Thank you (x), best of luck this weekend”
Day one of training is complete here in Harefield, with Watford level on points with London Bees this weekend's game will be a close fought affair.
OOV (Shots of driving to session)
Today we are heading back to Harefield to catch up with the second day of training this week with Watford Ladies. I’ll be talking to (y) who will let me know how she got into football and what drives her give it her maximum every game.
Wide shot - Interview
Alex “So (y), you have been playing football for _ years, what got you into it originally? “
Close up on (y)
(B roll of training)
(y) replies “Yeah I originally got into football etc”
Wide shot
Alex “As a footballer, I assume there have been many sacrifices to get where you are today, what do you do to keep motivated to perform at your best every week?”
Close up on (y)
(B roll of training)
(y) replies “along the way you have to give up a lot.. etc”
Wide shot
Alex “Lastly, to any young footballers out there, what advice would you give them to get them involved with the sport?”
Close up on (y)
(B roll of training)
(y) replies “I would suggest to any young footballer out there to etc”

Wide shot
Alex “Great thank you (y).”
PTC outside training ground
Alex “We will leave some links in the description of this video for any young footballers out there who are looking to get involved with the sport”
PTC outside training ground
Alex “ Tomorrow is the last day of training before the London Bees game, it will be interesting to see what last training drills are done!”
Alex “With two days of training behind us, Thursday will be the last opportunity before this weekend's game for the ladies to practice as a team”
Alex “ Today I will be talking to (z) about what the last training session is like before a big game”
Wide shot - Interview
Alex “With an important game against London Bees this Sunday, do you do anything particular in this last training session of the week?”
Close up on (z)
(B roll of training)
(z) replies “the last training session before the game is always…. etc”
Wide shot
Alex “with Watford going into the weekend equal on points with London Bees, do you expect a tough game or one with lots of goals?”
Close up on (z)
(B roll of training)
(z) replies “It's a very important game for us so… etc”
Alex “Thank you (z) and good luck this weekend!”
Alex “So that is it for training this week at Watford Ladies, with only a few days until the big game, I am sure the team are excited for what will hopefully be a great game!
Scene setting
Light music
Build up to game
Behind the scenes in dressing room, coach giving motivational speech?
Crowd filling up etc
Alex “So we are here at The Hive stadium in West London, 5 minutes before kick off and the atmosphere is building ready for kick off.”
Montage of game
(possible commentary?)
PTC from stands?
Alex “Something relevant to the game
Montage of game - whistle blows. Players walk off etc.
Alex “so that was a great/unfortunate performance today, after the group have debriefed the game, I will have a chat about the match”
Interview - OTS looking at Keith
Alex “So Keith, what did you think of the performance out there today?”

Close up on Keith
Keith “ Well I think… etc”
Camera turns to alex - PTC
Alex “great thanks Keith, in a minute we will be talking to one of the players about today's game”
Player walks into vision
Alex “Hey, (?) how was it out there today?”
(?) Close up in shot
(?) replies “Yeah it was.. etc”
(?) Stays close up
Alex “Do you think this puts the club in a positive mood for another away game against Brighton next week”
(?) Stays close up
(?) replies “I am looking forward to… etc”
Zooms out and pans to alex
“Great thank you (?) and best of luck next week against Brighton!”
PTC outside the ground
“It has been a fascinating following Watford Ladies this week, I am looking forward to the rest of the season!

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