Tuesday 3 April 2018

Transition Unit - Initial Vox Ideas With Cailan

Transition Unit – Ideas Brainstorm via Skype

All ideas featured below are as of writing this in the conceptualisation stage. We are hoping to ascertain a solid idea by the end of the week and begin working on compiling a presentation for next week’s pitch to the group.

Cailan -

- Vox Inspiration

The YouTube channel ‘Vox’ specialises in journalistic, documentary-esque content with one of the key aspects of it being a fluid combination of editing and animation. I believe this would sufficiently challenge me in my chosen role of editor.

Louis Theroux Style, Presenter-Lead Documentary Piece

There is strength in having a constant presence throughout the documentary, acting as a POV for the audience.

Data Protection Topic

We believe by talking about something generally considered taboo, it could generate interest in the material being discussed. By looking into the ways in which social media companies such as Facebook & Twitter collect and distribute our personal information, we may learn something new about our real privacy.

Alex -

Vox Borders Video - Ireland and Northern Ireland (IRA - “The Troubles”)
Also including Potential Problems of Brexit and how that will affect the two countries

Sky Sports F1 Driver Interview - Adapted into interviewing a Club Level Driver and understanding how they ended up racing cars

Idea To Go Ahead With - Louis Theroux Style Documentary about Data Protection with a focus on “What Facebook knows about me/you?”

Introduction -
Short montage with accompanying narration of presenter, discussing the issue of data protection in relation to the amount of personal data social media companies hold over the average user. We can explain the method of downloading your own Facebook data from their website and analysing what lurks within. (Phone Number, Call details, Message details)

Piece To Camera - Testing the issue
Presenter sits down with a laptop and his/her smartphone to go through their facebook account. This will involve over the shoulder shots and PTC’s in order to show the comparison the presenter will make between the real data on his phone, and the data mined from the downloaded facebook report. The presenter can address Facebook’s own policies on user privacy and data protection, compared with the recent #DeleteFacebook campaign and CEO Mark Zuckerburg’s public apology after the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Does The Public Know - Testing the awareness

Several options as of right now, we could either use traditional ‘vox popping’ in the high-street or we could have something akin to a sit-down ‘area’ in which members of the public can come and discuss their privacy/data protection, or their general awareness on privacy protection, with regards to the recent Facebook scandal.

Conclusion - Summarising The Situation & What Can We Do?

In the conclusion, we will address the results found in our own tests/vox-popping and discuss what both the social media companies and individuals need to do to further safeguard their data moving forward, while simultaneously encouraging the audience to download their own data and see what sort of secrets are being hidden in there. The audience interaction helps grasp the reality of the situation, whilst helping spread awareness about the issue of data protection in 2018.

What to Do Before Monday

Cailan: Understanding The issue - what we need show (what will be the topics we need to show the viewers and find facts eg. how to access your data - The Process)

Alex: Find Possible Presenters, Locations (Film Vox pops or Sit Down interview area), What Filming Gear would be needed

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