Monday 16 April 2018

Transition - Contacting Possible Presenters & Finding Possible Locations

We had separated some job roles to complete by Today (Monday 16th) and my jobs were to have contacted as many possible presenters as possible as well as contacting the Kent Film Office about possible locations.

As neither of us is practising as a producer in this unit we made sure we split the roles out in the most effective way. I have always been strong in contacting people and securing locations. While I thought it would be most effective for Cailan to write the script as he is very good with words and making sure it sounds right. The script is not as formal as a drama, for example, it is more of a hint to guide the documentary along.

Contacting Presenters

Over the last few days, I have got on the case of contacting as many relevant presenters as possible. I initially narrowed down the search by selecting a playing age of 18-28 as well as making sure the actors were ina 20-mile radius of our location. All these parameters are in place to make sure the presenters fit our target presenting style as well as being location pretty close to us.
We did not have any parameters in place for gender as we felt that we wanted to see who would respond. We did not feel it was nessacery for this show to be led by a male or female particularly, just the person who fits the role the most!

As a few days went by I had used Mandy to contact over 150 total people through the website. I understood that not all would get back to me, but by this Monday I had received 7 replies which were "yes" we would like to be apart of this project as well as a few saying they where busy!

I have started to arrange interviews with the presenters that wanted to be apart of the project and it looks like by the end of the week we will have a confirmation of who will present our show! Interviews will take place on Tuesday  17th April and the rest on Friday 20th April. By the end of that day we would have chosen our presenter through the interviews we would have held. 

Contacting Kent Film Office

Contacting the kent film office has been tough in the previous projects, as they always seemed to take a very long time to respond and also then when they did respond the information was normally hard to move on from.

I decided to get on with messaging them as early as possible this time to try our best to make sure we had the proper filming permissions before our intended shoot week on 30th April. As you can see from the left-hand side we had already chosen a few possible locations where we intended to film but we did want some help from the Kent film office to suggest any other locations that may be suitable.

We need a location to record the vox pops as well as a location for the sit-down chat to the camera, which we intend to film in a cafe or some sort of restaurant.

As of writing this blog post, we have still not heard back from the Kent Film office which already is raising concerns to as where could film.

We will leave it a few more days to try and receive a response from the kent film office as we have had previous interactions in the past. If these conversations do not start, however, we may have to start looking elsewhere, in Sussex and London.

You can see I also attached the Universities Public Liability insurance and possible location pictures to help aid the search. I am confident by the end of the week we will have heard back from Kent Film Office as we want our documentary to be shot in an area we feel at home.

Possible Locations for Vox Pops

I have scouted out a few possible locations for vox pops - These would be recorded in the town centres of these Towns/Cities. The vox pops would be the presenter talking to the public about their experiences with Facebook using user data.

  1. Tunbridge Wells
  2. Maidstone
  3. Crawley
  4. Paddock Wood
  5. Eastbourne
  6. Brighton

Possible Locations for Sit Down Segment

Cailan and I had discussed back and forth that we would go either one of two ways with the opening PTC after the animation/intro sequence

We would either go for a dark room which would set a moody, sinister scene or a cafe with a slightly more realistic and authentic shot in a cafe or restaurant.

As the director, I argued for the cafe or restaurant as I thought the filming conditions would be better. I understand there are fewer variables to think about in terms of audio in a dark room but I felt we may dtruggle with grain on the cameras shooting in such poor light conditions.

After some discussions, Cailan agreed that the cafe or restaurant would be better for this segment and I started my search. I had asked the Kent film Office for suggestions but they have yet to get back to me so I am going to have to go my own route.

I have previous experience in contacting cafe's for last years directions unit and I still have those contacts today. Over the next few days, I will revisit those contacts as well as emailing more people. I found before that Tunbridge wells was a great place for this type of scene and I found a really nice scenic location for my last shot at a cafe.

Possible places a PTC in a cafe or restaurant could take place are as followed.

  1. Tunbridge Wells
  2. London
I have yet to contact companies directly as of today but that is something I will be started later today or tomorrow. We have a busy week with the Studio Production being rehearsed and recorded so we may have little free time for much planning this week. However, if I can get some emails sent out over the next 24 hours we will be in a good place come Friday when we want all the essentials sorted!

I am excited for us to fully focus on this unit now as I am really happy to be back as a director and be working with Cailan who is very enjoyable to work with! He is also very talented in his role as an Editor so it eases the nerves in comparison to being an editor myself where I am not as confident. I am looking forward to creating an interesting project with him!

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