Thursday 12 April 2018

Transition - Feedback From Presentation & Jobs Going Forward

Today we had our presentation for our Transition unit in front of the class. Our Documentary had had a quick turn around and we had already come up with a lot of ideas and got a lot of information so we wanted to make sure we got all that information in the presentation without it being too cluttered.

We had worked on the presentation for the days prior and we think we had done a good job at making sure we included all the important information without it being too cluttered. I think the presentation in front of the class actually went really well. I have always been a quiet person and being in front of any type of audience has always been hard but thankfully the University and the previous presentations we have had to have helped me prepare for this. I felt a lot more confident that I had done for previous presentations, I think that would be because I really believed in this project as well as spending a lot of time practising for it.

I was worried my nerves would get to me and I would stumble and mess up, however, for what I feel is the first time I managed to do a presentation without any issues. We got some nice feedback from Simon and the group about the idea of how relevant and interesting it is. We are happy we chose a genre an topic that would be relevant to all.

Here is some of the feedback that was suggested by Simon after the presentation

  • Try to secure a presenter as quickly as possible
  • Focus on our roles More - Alex to focus on being a director & Cailan to focus on being an editor. Then split the other roles accordingly between us.
  • Understand who creates these projects on VOX and how they are created. Roles. Equipment.
  • Secure interesting Locations
  • How are the VOX videos put together? Are they multi-camera? If they are not ours should not be as well? 
  • Make sure the story element is strong like VOX and make sure it is not just flashy graphics
  • Sourcing Old Source material may be an issue - However, we plan to shoot all of our own footage.
  • Stop motion and graphics need to fit the theme of VOX
  • Need to make the topic interesting - Mixture of techniques
  • Do we have a presenter or a contributor?
Finally, I devised a Schedule for us as a group for deadlines and possible shoot days.
  • 12TH APRIL - Locations Thought about / Contact KENT FILM OFFICE
  • 13TH APRIL - Basic Script complete to send to presenters
  • 20TH APRIL - Interviews with possible presenters & make decisions on the presenter by end of the 20th
  • 24&26TH APRIL - Free days from uni for possible recce and scouting
  • 27TH APRIL - Studio Hand in
  • 6TH MAY - Draft Cut
  • 11TH MAY - Fine Cut & Critical Perspectives Hand In
We are in a good situation with this project now, especially as we are only a group of two. We are happy with what we have created at this point and we feel the project is moving forward fast. However, we need to make sure we keep on top of this even with the studio production and critical perspectives going on at the same. Cailan and I will make sure we motivate each other to keep moving forward with this unit.

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