Thursday 9 February 2017

CONTEXTUAL STUDIES - Representation & Race

What do we mean by race? - Skin colour? (Not purely defined by genetics)

Broadly shared cultural identity, history & experience shaped by marginalisation / exclusion

"The other" Which is alien or different to homogenous group or culture

Critical contexts:
- Ideology
- Hegemony
- Pluralism
- Mediation
- Reception Theory

-A set of opinions, values, beliefs and assumptions constructed and presented by a media text.

Hegemony Is a dominant ideology within society - In sitcoms that's traditionally reflected in the "nuclear family".

Mediation and representation:
- What we see is not objective reality or truth. but firstly the filmmakers vision of reality, what the mediated.
- The process of mediation, the editorial decision making process. Directly affects representation: through judgement and selection editorialises how gender race and class are presented.
- We as the audience are also complicit in mediation, through our understanding and reading of media texts (Semiotics and ideology)

Reception Theory:
- How we as the audience ediate texts and the factors that might influence us.
-Meaning is created as the viewer watches and processes the film
- Factors include elements of the viewer's personal identity

History of cultural politics.
- Dominant grouping is superior
- Other cultural groupings are inferior by virtue of difference
- Defined by crude stereotypes X are doctors and Y are athletes

Establishing identity through opposition to (and sometimes vilification of) a group of individual who displays difference.

Love Thy Neighbour:
- Sitcom written by and for dominant society (hegemony)
- Reflects manifestations of "the other" and freud's "narcissism of minor differences" XENOPHOBIA
- Racial step-characters on equal social / class status
- Mediation affects audience reception: Satire/ Comedy provoking empathy

-Sitcom written by and for a pluralistic society - Identity politics
- Radical step - characters on equal or superior social class and status
- Mediation affects audience reception: Satire/comedy provoking empathy

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