Tuesday 1 November 2016

FILM PREP - Kent Filming Application.

Today I filled out my application to film in kent and sent it to the kent film office. I have decided one of my locations would be a beach and I know, located where we are it's very tough to find one close. I have sent of for an application to film in  Dungeness as that is a beach I have been to before and feel it would be great for the sort of film I want to do. However I have also stated in my application that if they know somewhere closer and better, that would be preferred as the other members of the crew would not have to travel as far. I also put that if they know any locations that would be good for my scene where a character runs out of a wood into a quiet road that would be nice. I have looked extensively on google maps to try and find somewhere suitable but I have had no luck as of yet.
I also had to attach the Insurance into the application which was on MyUCA. Once that was all filled out I was read to send.

 It was the first time ever doing this but it was a good experience as I'm sure this will happen very regularly when we go into the TV industry for real.


UPDATE - 4/11/16

After emails back and forth with the film office, I had to change the beach I was filming at because Dungeness was a £100 for a days shooting. As I only need a few shots, it wasn't really worth it.  We settled on Hythe Beach and everyone at Kent Film Office was very helpful in helping me find somewhere with no cost. After I agreed to film in a certain area I was booked in and ready to film!

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