Thursday 10 November 2016

Vodka Diaries

Analysing Vodka diaries:

Mise en scene
- Not many locations, mainly set in the same house/ most the same rooms (Or outside the house)
- Real location

Camera and sound
- no audience laughter was added
- diegetic sound - not added music

Narrative and genre conventions
- I think they are real characters but slightly emphasised stereotypes for comedy effect.
- I think the acting is exaggerated for the effect of comedy
- Humour is mostly physical

Codes and conventions are important in deciding the form of a TV show of film
Technical (seen): Camera, Sound, Editing = Narrative
Symbolic (unseen): Mise en scene, Subtext = Context

Traditional studio sitcoms:
Multi camera
Edited as live
Audience laugh track
High key uniform lighting

Location sitcoms:
Single camera
Mockumentary style

Episodic format - 30 mins closed narrative
Repetition - circular narrative

Sitcom genre conventions:
Comic Trap (escape a physical or emotional situation)
Running Joke
One liner
irony/ sarcasm
Parody/satire/just a prank?

Archetypes/ Stereotypes In Vodka Diaries
- The Rebel
- The libertine
- The authority figure
- The fool

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