Monday 24 October 2016

First Draft of my Screenplay - Updates

Today I finished my first draft of my screenplay. Personally I thought I was going to enjoy this part of the course a lot less than I did. I have actually enjoyed it and I still feel my script can be improved but I am happy of how it has turned out for a first draft.

Further development.
I have thought about my script since I have finished it and I have had a few ideas since. I don't want to go too hard with changed before it's been checked in case there could be a fundamental problem (I hope not!)

1) I need to develop why they want Nelson dead. I have said that he is a troublemaker but not really expanded on anything further. I think that Nelson could have done something very personal to one of the head police officers and that is the reason why they want him dead. I'm not sure exactly what yet. Hopefully Simon or Steve could give me a little input on all these ideas to expand them.

2) Who is Ricky? I did put a single line in the script as a subtle hint but it probably needs to be expanded. I want Ricky to be the son of one of the characters, specifically the "Unidentified character" that we never actually see. And I want him to be involved as it could be something personal to his family.

3) Why do they want to frame Adrian? Once again it needs to be expanded as there is no real reason to this one. I suspect a reason could be that Adrian and Ricky has left on bad terms when they left school/ stopped being friends.

I also spoke to my Dad about what he thought about and he read the script and said it might make more sense if the main characters where a few years older (22/23) so there is evidence that Adrian has started to forge a successful career.

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