Thursday 20 October 2016

Contextual Studies - Sound

You can have sound without picture, but it is a lot easier to have a picture without sound.
Films with sound and no video: Derek Jarman's Blue and Chris Marker's La jetee
Even silent movies generally have some sort of audio - music or sound effects.
La jetee has pictures (not moving) which tells the story but we focus on the sound and it has interesting use of sound effects, including the plane whiring, as if it was over us.

Functions of sound
- Aural Sound (Dialogue/voiceover)
- Sonic ambience ( mood/atmosphere/sound effects) 
- Emotional or intellectual resonance or dissonance (music)

Key elements
- Speech (Dialogue or narration)
- Ambient or natural
- Sound effects
- Musical score or soundtrack
You will definitely use at least one of these - but possibly all of them. 

Use of sound effects
To heighten the drama but abstract or enhanced effects to affect the audiences emotions or perception.
Also to simulate reality, to reinforce what we may expect, for example traffic noise or chatter.

Aesthetic uses of sound
Impressionistically - harmonious use of sound that affects your mood
Expressionistically - Evoking abstract and a dark version of what you may expect
Asynchronous - When the sound and the visuals are mis-matched to slightly confuse the viewer
Diegetic - Any sound that is in the film scene -  What would have been picked up by a microphone 
Nondiegetic  - Any sound added after. Could be commentary, Music and sound effects.

Music is very important for the scenes because it dictates what your emotion is in via a scene. You can immediately tell from the start of a scene what it will be like due to the music that is being used.

Music as a narrative device
Music underscores or accentuates visual narrative, emotion or drama
Can create emotional or intellectual resonance or dissonance
Use of leitmotifs - A short, recurring musical phrase with a particular idea (Imperial march in star wars - we know that something to do with vader will be happening, the music tell us that)
 Pop songs as commentary/ dramatic device " When words fail, music speaks"

Music can change depending on the audience. For example in some scenes of "Legend" the music is different for the UK and US versions on the film because the distributors did not think certain audiences would like the original music. 

You can use music to step out of the narrative to comment on the action. It is an alienation technique that contrasts the grim reality to their romantic aspirations. An example is Pennies from heaven. It's breaking the fourth wall between us and what is on the screen.

Modernism vs postmodernism.
Modernism -  an aesthetic and cultural reaction to classicism relying on innovation to create new modes of rational and progressive expression and representation. (Soviet montage)

Postmodernism -  Reaction to failure of modernisms objective rationalism. Deconstructs form and fusing disparate elements of high and low culture (The simpsons)

Use of narration "First person subjective" "Voice of god" "Conventions of male vs female voices"

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