Monday 14 May 2018

Transition - Understanding Simon's Feedback

Today we had a very important meeting with course leader Simon who looked at the fine cut of our documentary. Both Cailan and I were happy with the progress of the project so far and felt we had done really well considering we were a two-person team.

I took notes from the meeting which I then converted into notes for Cailan to use in the edit. Here are the notes from the meeting

  • The whole project is too long - currently nearly at 10 minutes, should be down to around 7.
  • Missing the graphics that vox uses - Cailan explained how a lot of the project uses animations and other editing techniques, but we feel we did not have the time to create complex charts to the level of vox.
  • The first shot is boring, could be replaced with a timelapse or changed in some way (CCTV?)
  •  I explained we could use a time lapse footage sequence we shot which has more movement and would be more interesting. 
  • The sequence with the Pink Hair guy can be shortened - Doesn't need to be so long to have the same impact
  • Needs to be quicker and snappier - Flow is a little slow as of right now. 
  • Remove the self-help sequence - It adds nothing and doesn't fit the flow
  • Ending too long -At least add some extra effects over it so it's not so drawn out
  • Maybe add extra parts to Katie's section so it's not just the same two shots
I always appreciate feedback from Simon as we always get every single detail covered, meaning we can improve our piece. Both I and Cailan were happy with what needed to be done in the next few days. The only thing we know we can really not do is the high-level graphics charts and tables. We simply do not have the time for it.

After a meeting with Cailan, I helped draw up the list of things he needs to do to the edit in the time we have remaining. 

  1. Intro shot needs to be a time lapse, can be same shot but the transition from a time-lapse to normal speed
  2. Pink Hair guy in line is "We would only need to...."
  3. PTC When talking about "With specific menus...." Overlay some footage from cut self-help segment here - scrolling through the phone. Sequence end line is "........Settings menus"
  4. After self-help cut segment the in line is "though you can disable" 
  5. Add extra clips into the outro to make it flow better
These are the shots and scenes to be cut completely to save time
  • Start of pink guy segment
  • Self-help part
  • Katie where she says "so it helps with privacy"
  • Cut Ms Schak segment
  • Side on shots when vox popping - gives away location
Overall I am really happy with the feedback as I feel that it is possible to achieve what is needed in the next few days. I will assist Cailan when he needs, I will probably make the credits page as that can be done by myself. I will help if needed but It will be hard to help on the edit itself as we are based 2 hours apart. We will catch up on Skype to understand the situation throughout our last full day. 

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