Wednesday 9 May 2018

Transition - Shoot Day 2- Contributor Segment at Maidstone Studios

Today was the contributor shoot for this project. It was only a very short segment but I feel it needed to be done as it confounded the documentary. Our contributor was Katie from the year, who has experience with how to protect her data through her YouTube channel. I really appreciated Katie helping as I know they had their stuff to edit as well.

The shoot took place in the audio room at University. It was not the greatest area for lighting or a backdrop, but with little time remaining in the project, it was the best setting we could have got.

My idea for the shot was originally to have the contributor Center of the frame and speaking directly at the camera. However, after assessing the situation and the small room space we had to deal with, I decided to change the shot. Katie would be Left of Frame with her YouTube on the right-hand side on the screen. The second camera would shoot a shot from the side at around an 80-degree angle. We would possibly slightly punch in on this shot on some occasions using a crop tool on Premiere. I left the shot slightly wider than first planned to give us options in the edit.

Here is the example of the main shot - Katie is looking slightly right of frame as I did not want this to seem like a massively set up shot. I wanted it to feel like the Vox video I had studied where the contributor seems to be talking to a person standing just behind the camera. They never speak directly to the camera and I felt we should not either.

Here is what the secondary side angle shot looks like. I think this will work well for a quick cutaway and can be cropped in thanks to using 4k. A cropped in shot will give a different look and I will leave that decision up to Cailan in the edit about what works best. However, saying that I think both shots will link together well as they currently are. Cailan will edit in some cutaway clips of Katie's YouTube channel as well. 

Lighting was probably the only issue I had today. I asked Ferg to help me adjust the lights and it was hard to find a solution that gave great depth in the shot. I went through a couple of different variations of light placement but we decided to go for an idea from Sam Creamer about shining the light through from the other room. This worked fine, but Ideally, we would have had a better location for this segment, But with the time constraints we had I feel this was good.

It was a quick 5-minute shoot once it was set up but it did take over an hour to set the shot up correctly and set up all my equipment as I desired. I used the Universities Panasonic as the Main camera and my Sony 4K Camcorder as the secondary shot. Both gave good depth of field even though it was a small area. In the future, I would have liked to have secured a better location for this shoot, but with the time constraints it is hopefully understandable we could not find one that worked with the direction I was taking. The lighting worked out fine if a little blown out on the right side of Katie. After transferring the clips to my hard drive I uploaded the clips for Cailan to see. I had already mentioned to Cailan it would not be worth the effort for him to attend this shoot. It would be time better spent editing the rest of the project which still needs work. As per a previous blog post, I am happy with the direction the edit is going and I met Cailan near his home yesterday to discuss the project and what was the next step.

We now really just have to collate the images together and Cailan can do his thing in the edit. I really appreciated Katie taking the time to help us with our project, I feel it adds another layer to our project with a contributor who can conpound the topics which have been spoken about in the video. 

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