Tuesday 8 May 2018

Transition - Rough Cut

After a few busy days of editing, Cailan gave me my first glimpse of the edit so far with a rough cut which was focused on the introduction to the piece. It can be seen below.

Cailan had done a voice over for the mean-time while we waited on Louis to record the voiceover for us. Cailan then did mention he was of the opinion his voice suited the documentary more than Louis. I do agree with this statement as Louis may not come across as serious as Cailan when the commentary. However, through all of the research, I had done on Vox, I saw that the presenter who does the piece, also narrates it all as well. I will ask Simon about this issue, However, I am of the belief that the presenter should do the voiceover as it makes the most sense. No other Vox video uses a different voice over to presenter so this would be breaking the structure that we had set ourselves. I do wish Cailan had brought this to my attention sooner as it could have been addressed when choosing a presenter. If he really did not like Louis tone he should have said when we cast. I personally feel Louis will work with this piece in terms of voice over, I agree that Cailan or a deeper voice may sound better, but it would break the consistency of the project.

Other notes I made were the shots of the clock near the begging were not exactly on the horizon, they were slightly off to one angle. This is only a small issue but it is worth being picky to make the best project possible.

I really liked what Cailan had done with my movement shot down to the keyboard, it was smooth but a warp stabiliser had completely smoothed it out and it looked fantastic. The use of archive footage is important, mostly in this segment, as this is where the issue is explained and these images compound that information.

The slight colour correction done has also helped amplify the clip and I am happy that the raw files came out so nice. This means Cailan will not need to adjust to many settings to keep the camera consistency the same - especially through shooting on two very different cameras. I think that this was helped by my meticulous preparation beforehand meaning we just had to set up and go in most instances.

The shots of Louis being candid and looking around where thanks to Cailan keeping the camera rolling between vox pops. He can be very happy with himself for thinking to do this as these shots will become vital if we need a cutaway. There is work that still needs to be done but it is a great start for this project. Cailan is very good at editing and I am not worried about a lack of quality. However, there is so much work to be done in so little time I am sure he will feel some pressure, if need be I will always be there to assist.

I had made the agreement with Cailan that I would come and visit him to see how the edit was going today, however, he told me late last night that those plans would have to be abandoned as his mother was having a friend round. This was a little frustrating because of Cailan's location it is tough to see how the edit is going. Understandably, Cailan does not want to get an expensive train down to edit with me, but this was a great opportunity for a catch-up. I will talk to Cailan today and maybe I can still meet and see him somehow, I was planning to visit as I was already in the area and normally the journey would take upwards of 90 minutes.

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