Wednesday 21 February 2018

Live Production Show Research - The Use of VT's

As I will be the camera operator on two VT's on this live production I wanted to further my knowledge of the reason they are used and what makes a VT effective to the audience.

The first article I read was from the radio times about why Strictly Come Dancing uses VT's. "Cutting to a pre-recorded VT gives them the time to set the stage for the next couple" (Radio Times, 2017) In an environment which is very high paced and intense, a VT is a great opportunity for the crew to be able to change positions of cameras and equipment and set up new shots that are different to the one previously on screen. Without these VT's camera crews would need to be doubled as cameras would have to be in two places all the time as you do not have any time to change positions. So in an interesting way, having VT's actually reduce crew costs as it gives crew's the chance to change camera angles and make the most use of a singular camera.

"The moment each couple leaves the dance floor and goes rushing up to the balcony to talk to Claudia, the work begins. Strictly’s backstage army descends. In a performance as carefully choreographed as anything we’ve seen from the dancers, they switch out the lighting and install smoke machines and wheel off props; they sweep up glitter and bring on the brand new props and tape things down." (Radio Times, 2017) As with a lot of things in life, there is not enough time in the day to get everything done. Getting these extra few minutes to change parts of the set help create the experience of the show that we may not get if there was not the time to change parts of the set for the viewer's experience.

VT's also offers a chance for live television shows to explore scenarios and ideas which are not physically possible in a studio environment. You can go to peoples houses for example and shoot a cutaway VT in which we get to know the person on screen in an environment that they are more comfortable in. This may not be possible or as authentic in the studio location and the use of a cutaway can be used here to create a higher quality Live Production.

The use of a Vt can be compared to a cutaway in conventional television. "Cutaways can emphasize important details or add detail and meaning to a scene. From the cutaway shot of the clock, the audience might rightfully assume some of the following: the woman has to be somewhere on time, she's probably late and therefore is in a hurry, etc." (Video Maker, 2008) In some types of VT's the use of the cutaway is there to give us more information than what can be shown on live television. Some things are better presented in properly edited content with flawless information. In live television, it is still scripted but most of the time it is not presented in such a natural and professional way. In highly edited content there is the chance for the director to include shots which would not be possible on live television with the restrictions of being in a television show. This means, for the most part, VT's are better produced as there are fewer restrictions with the camera and there is also a chance to edit the video, unlike Live TV where both are much more restrictive. 

In general, I think the use of VT's are important in live television shows because they let us step outside the studio and explore subjects and ideas that would not be possible in a studio space. They also give the viewer a chance to see the people in the Live space in an environment that is less stressful than when it is live and retakes are a possibility. It also gives the cast and crew ample time to change locations and settings on set which would be incredibly hard if we did not have VT's and it was all live, start to finish.

I will follow up this research on what makes a VT successful and the types of VT's are used in current similar fashion shows. It will be interesting to note which shows currently pull off the VT the best.

Radio Times, 2017
Accessed on 21st February 2018.

Video Maker, 2008
Accessed on 21st February 2018.

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