Tuesday 16 January 2018

What is "AS LIVE?" and LIVE TV?

As live are recorded programmes with a live feel.

Usually recorded in studio location.

require full gallery roles.

Post-production is a minimum for this project.

Why are we choosing "AS LIVE?"


  • Less often it is left to chance like true live. more control
  • The opportunity to re-record elements of the programme and make improvements to the intro and closing shots
  • Don't need a satellite
  • Trying to manufacture a feeling of a true love programme and loses edge
  • Truly live is often more polished
  • Tension of live is hard to recreate
  • Post Prod may compound this problem, may feel manufactured
  • Overshooting is easy
Common Themes
  • Audience
  • Usually recorded in a studio, require full crew.
  • Often involves on-screen guests and talent and a main presenter
  • Often topical/ driven by event
  • Often use VT Inserts 
  • Genre conventions may dictate the sort of content and location
  • Can be recorded on location or a studio
  • Passive, not participating 
  • Participatory and active, actually taking part in some way
  • Appreciative, responding through laughter, clapping etc
  • Supportive, there to offer support to a particular contribution
  • The role the audience plays depends on the type of format that you are producing. Value judgements must be made as to their role
AS LIVE Content
  • Theoretically, anything can be presented in an as live format.  
  • It is only limited by considerations such as.
  • Time
  • Location
  • Budget
  • Logistics 
  • It is essential that as lives consider timings
  • A good idea would be to test the timings before pitching
  • 1 Min for titles and the same for credits. The ins and outs for VT's and guest intros all take up time.
Suggested Blog Research
  • Why was as live chosen
  • Impact on final product
  • Was it convincing
  • Audience experience
Points for analysis
  • Content
  • Style
  • Location
  • Presentation
  • Contributors
  • Format 


Live on location
  • Tech advantages in satellite tech have led to the advert of outside broadcasts.
  • Sporting
  • National Events
Possible case study: Live Aid 1985

Live shows can make news. When the broadcasters and viewers do not know what will happen next.

New Media
  • Programme makers increasingly appeal and cater to viewer / user created content.
  • End of live tv? By 2020 an estimated share of 50% of viewing time is to be spent online.
  • Through social media like Facebook, YouTub etc...
Live relies on planning
  • Scripting
  • Timing
  • Casting
  • Safety
  • Cabling
  • Running order planning
  • Legal wrangling
Standby VT's
VT can be moved around in the running order as necessary

Live and the Law

  • Lives are particularly vulnerable to legal problems. inappropriate language before watershed for example.
  • In 2002 Matt Wright revealed a name of a person who did not know.
  • Producer in the gallery has to work hard to mitigate such accidents
Run VT
  • Even pre-shot VT can experience problems live.
  • Whether it is that the wrong VT is played or the VT Simply won't play. 
  • Job of the gallery team to keep to time and make way for new stories
Live In Trouble
  • Integrity of material presented as live
  • Competition winners being mocked up to deal with problems experiences by the production team
  • Major fines for shows being deceptive
  • BBC now identify something that is not live so that the audience is not cheated.
Blog ideas:
Possible for people to record TV
On demand
impact of broadcasting live upon viewing exp
Practical issues
Value of being live
Why do live shows have large audiences

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