Friday 26 January 2018

Steal The Style - Job Assignments and First Brief.

I was really excited to start work on this unit but first, we had to be interviewed for our jobs. I applied for VT & Studio camera as well as Production Manager, however, I was only really interested in being a camera operator. 

My interview went well, after showing Jo and Helen the work that I recently filmed in Germany, they were really impressed with the project that I completed alongside university. My main passion is for camera work even though I had really enjoyed being the director and producer of my most recent two University Projects, I wanted to focus more Camerawork for this unit, hence why I did not apply for the directors and producers roles.

Thankfully, I did get my first option which was a nice result for me personally as I was unsure really what I would have done if I did not get the camera position as others had had more interest in the other roles. I said to Helen and Jo that I was really excited to work on a project that wasn't based on cars and sports. (which my last 2/3 units have been based on)

After the roles were decided, we had a presentation from Katie and Melissa, basically explaining what the idea was and what they thought they needed extra help on.

My notes from this meeting were as followed.
  • Researching our own elements and how they are relevant to our role 
  • Look at similar shows
  • Reason behind story choices 
  • Background history. Context of story
  • Give people options 
  • Research into the Channel: E4 - what do they do, how do they do it. 
  • YouTube fashion videos. Magazines. Company magazine. Vogue format
Over the weekend I am going to do my research into fashion videos on YouTube and also look into similar TV shows that are on right now. I will also do some research into my specific role and what planning I would need to do for this project.

After this meeting, we split into our "groups" We grouped together in a "VT Group" but we also did have a smaller group of people who we are working with on 2 VT's each.

Our Mini group for VT's [VT Team B] was as followed:
  • Conor Deamer as VT Producer
  • George Wing as VT Director
  • Myself as VT Camera Operator
  • Alex Hargood as Sound Operations (and VT Editor)
  • George Nicholls as VT Team B Researcher
When we get a better idea of the project and exactly what our VT's will be, we can work more closely on our specific roles. Over the weekend I will be working on possible ideas for the VT's as well. Katie and Melissa said they had their own ideas for these VT's but that if we had our own ideas we should always pitch the ideas to them.

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