Tuesday 30 January 2018

Live Presentation Lecture - Content & Contributors, Locations and Branding

  1. Content
  2. Contribution
  3. Location
  4. Branding

Research Finding People:Presenters/Actors

Casting Talent
  • These are our performers
  • They may be paid or not, will have some sort of contract
  • Relevant skills/Experience
  • Performace
  • Charisma
  • Look/Appropriate brand/style 
  • Representation and relevance to audience
UCA -  Relevant trade organisations, Trade/Press People, Style/Fashion Mags

Finding Talent
  • Auditions - Advertisements calling for new talents / Looking Through showreels
  • Agents - People normally have agents, may be an "expert" in a field, need to negotiate Money and a contract
  • Scouting - Visiting talent and seeing them in person, see how they really perform
  • Talent websites and Journals - Spotlight, Mandy etc
  • Scouting - Look for new talent anywhere
  • This can be a problem because it can be time-consuming
  • Background research needs to be done - Get to know if they will perform
  • Could be open - find new unfound talent
  • Preferably closed and sifted through already 
  • Get a showreel of anyone you wish to cast so you have an idea first.
Dealing with Agents
  • Check availability - Find out what else they are working on - Potential scheduling clashes ETC
  • Hours/Days Contracts
  • The rate of Pay?
  • Expenses - BEWARE of rates. Miles/Food costs/ Train tickets
  • Consider setting flat fee or limits
Artists Contracts and Release Forms
  • Essential that all talent are given contracts or release forms
  • Get people to commit to paper
  • This should be done well in advance so we guarantee their commitment 
  • Liaise with Production Manager 
Finding Contributors
  • You need to apply many techniques to research contributors
  • Appeals/Ads/Sourcing Contacts/Contacts/press Offices/Media Liason
Finding Audience
  • Need to decide what purpose your audience's purpose is...
  • Passive
  • Active
  • Representative
  • Sensitive
  • Audience Size: Below 100
  • Can use various websites to "sell" tickets through
Representation - Audience
  • Audience in studio should reflect the audience at home
  • Many programmes are individually cast
  • Need to think about audience carefully
  • Keep good records of the pre-production process in an available for all Document
  • Keep info accurate and checked - Spellings/Content/Key Info
Remember OFCOM Broadcasting Code!

Scheduling & Organising Talent - Careful Negotiations, Keep the contacts on hand as they may be needed for post-production like voiceover.

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