Monday 22 January 2018

First World Problems Live Show - Presentation Preparations

Today we started our final preparation for our presentation. We have now finished the presentation itself and are excited to be able to present it on Tuesday 23rd January.

We now have a logical running order of our presentation which is as followed.

  1. Title Slide (Presented by Alex)
  2. The concept (Presented by Cailan)
  3. Show overview (Presented by Alex)
  4.  Target Audience and Tech specs (Presented by Alex)
  5. The plausibility (Presented by Cailan)
  6. Possible presenters (Presented by Alex)
  7. Studio Layout (Presented by Cailan)
  8. Audience Type (Presented by Cailan)
  9. Whats in the show Part 1 (Presented by Alex)
  10. Intermission
  11. Whats in the show part 2 (Presented by Cailan)
  12. Whats in the show part 2 CONT (Presented by Cailan)
  13. Possible VT Routes (Presented by Alex)
  14. Possible questions for Quiz round (Presented by Cailan)
  15. Potential show timings (Presented by Alex)
  16. Questions (Presented by Alex)
It is hard to get all the information that we wanted in a 10-minute presentation but we did a great job at making the points clear and in an order that would be easy to follow.

Work on the presentation
Slide 2: The concept

On this slide, I did work into the "type" of show that we are making. It was important to research the genre and also know how many presenters we would have. I personally thought we should have 3 presenters as it is easier to have a natural conversation than only having 2 presenters. Through doing further research and looking at shows like Top Gear and The Grand Tour, we decided 3 presenters would be our decision.

Slide 3: Show overview

I did research into the target audience, which I will talk about later. I also thought of the tagline for our production of "Studio Production with 3 presenters on a stage (panel-based), which has a changing theme based on First World Problems each week." This clearly describes what we are going for, and I feel the tagline will help sell our show.
Slide 4: Target Audience & Tech Specs

I did all of the research into the target audience and tech specs. I had originally thought we would "sell" this show as a Show for "DAVE" but after a meeting with Helen, she said that Channel 4 would be more appropriate. 

As you can see from the graph, 16-34 years of age was a good proportion of viewership for Channel 4 and they also have an audience dedicated to their channel, which is only true of other big channels, BBC1 & BBC2.

Once we had decided that Channel 4 was the channel that we wanted to pitch to, I wanted to get to know about the "tech specs" for the channel. This is important to know because it shows you have done your research into the brand you are pitching to.
Here are a few examples of some of the Tech Specs that we would be expected to follow.
  1. 25fps at 1080i (50 Field Interlaced) 16:9 Aspect Ratio
  2. Various codecs can be used to render, as long as it is at 160 MB/s or above
  3. Shot and Rendered in an interlaced format
  4. Quality Control: Picture must be well lit and sharp and have no excessive noise
  5. Our programme would work in a 40 minute TV slot with one advert. This would be with a total maximum delivery time of 30 Minutes and 30 Seconds which works with our broadcast. This includes 25 seconds of credits
These are not all of the Tech Specs but they are some of the key ones that I thought would be important to mention in our pitch.

Slide 5:

I did the work into the plausibility. I wanted to mention in the presentation that we had thought about the plausibility of all scenarios for our project. Here is the plausibility of all scenarios.

For the commuting challenge VT we’ll require the following;
  • 1x Car (Supplied by the presenter or can be hired from Maidstone at £25/day.)
  • 1x Bicycle (Supplied by the presenter or one of the crew members.)
  • Permission to film on public transport i.e. Trains. (Contact South-Eastern Rail to confirm.)
  • 3x Camera Crews (of 3 people each), 1 Camera Operator, 1 Sound Operator and 1 Production Assistant. 
  • Each camera crew would have 1 Panasonic DVX200, as well as 2 Go-Pro’s

Public opinion VT and the quiz round VT will require the following;
  • 1x Lead Presenter.
  • 2x Teams of 4 (Comprised of 2 camera operators, 1 sound operator and 1 production assistant).
  • Public filming access.
  • Set designed with FWP Theme
  • Access for a Car & Props (We have checked and there is space to do this)
  • Camera positions that do not interfere with the audience 
We could not be expected to go anymore in depth into possibilities at this stage. We only had limited time to think of all of the scenarios, but we are happy that we found answers to so many questions at this stage.

Slide 6:

I did all of the work into the possible presenters. I had already thought about having Andrew Phipps, who we had previously worked. He is a great presenter and a perfect character for our show and if our project was to be commissioned, we would love to have him as a presenter, and probably our main presenter! Here is his audience tape that we asked for, for our presentation to show that Andrew would be a perfect character for our show. 

I had also looked at over 100 actors on Handy Actors and whittled it down to 12 presenters, a mixture of male and female presenters. I am open to having a mixed cast of male and female but I want the decision to be based on how they interact with each other to make a natural piece.  I have saved all of the 12 actors links so we can make further contact if we are commissioned.

Slide 7:

I had made the initial studio layout but Cailan did a good job at adapting it to the actual studio layout and making it all fit. This layout has been adapted to thoughts from Helen that the audience needs to be closer to the stage and also noting that the stage and audience would be on a level.

Slide 9 to 12:

We wanted to show more in depth what would be in the first episode of our live show. I set out the plan while Cailan tidied up my wording.

Here is our plan for this first programme. Timings for each segment are later.
  • Roll open credits and presenters introduce themselves to camera and audience, followed by an audience vote around the weeks topic.
  • Every show will begin with an audience vote, based on a like/dislike question made by the lead presenter. 
  • - This will be in the form of a Green/Red card corresponding to Yes/No respectively.
  • This will link to a VT which shows one of the presenters, asking the public for their thoughts on the week’s topic. (e.g. Commuting)
  • Segways into a much broader news segment where panellists introduce a guest and discuss relevant issues at the time.Roll Main VT (VT02) - Commuting Challenge | Car Vs Train (Vs Bus?) - Approx 4 mins in length
  • Mini Panel themed quiz (ie. Commuting) show with the main presenter hosting the show while the other two presenters work on seperate teams. One team will have the guest from the news segment and one team will have an audience guest (One hired by us)
  • This quiz will involve presenters and the guest answering a series of ‘First World Problem’ related questions.
  • Part 1 of the quiz will see the teams attempt to remember as many facts from the VT as possible. 
  • Part 2 of the quiz will see the teams go head to head in a ‘buzzer round’ through presenter lead questions.The team with the most points will win a trophy.
  • The quiz show then segways into the Main VT (VT02) , The Commuting Challenge Part 2.
  • Upon the challenge ending, the presenters discuss the results in-studio.
  • Presenters “sign off” and thank the audience for their participation and attendance, thus concluding the show. 
  • Roll Credits.
We are happy with how in depth we went with this plan of the first show. We know that if we did get commissioned that we would most likely have to change some plans to fit around changing logistics. But we are happy that all of our plans are realistic and could be fulfilled by the team.

Slide 13:

I also did all the work on possible routes for our main VT Challenge. 

Three routes I have looked into that could work for our challenge are these:
  1. Paddock Wood to Maidstone (or visa versa) Around 30 Mins by car & train
  2. Meopham to Sittingbourne (or visa versa) Around 30 Mins by car & train
  3. Stonegate to Tonbridge (or visa versa) Around 30 Mins by car & train
These are the routes that I found in the time that we had, but if we did get commissioned I would work together with the team to find more routes and ones that may be more interesting than the ones I know through experience.

Slide 14:

Cailan and I worked on possible questions for the Quiz round.
The questions would have to be related to First world problems and in Part 1 of the quiz, they would be watching a VT which would include hidden answers that the teams need to remember. This needs more work but if we did get commission we would be able to work more on this.

As for part 2 of the quiz segment, we would have set questions asked by the main presenter to the two teams, the fastest answer gets a point.

Some examples of the questions we came up with are:

“What is the average commute time for people in the UK?”

“According to a recent Yahoo survey, what is the biggest commuting ‘bugbear’?”

The teams would be given 4 options for each question, for the second part of the quiz.

Slide 15:

Lastly, I did all the work into potential timings for the show. 
  • 0:00-1:30 Minutes: Roll Title Sequence and Presenter introduction. 
  • 1:30-2:30 Minutes: Audience Vote: Do you like commuting?
  • 2:30-4:30 Minutes: Public VT: Why do you dislike commuting?
  • 4:30-10:00 Minutes: News Panel Segment - What's going on in the world?
  • 10:00-15:00 Minutes: VT - What’s the fastest way to commute Challenge? Part 1 
  • INTERMISSION to change Crews
  • 15:00-24:00 Minutes: Mini quiz show with 2 presenters and 2 guests including 2 Min VT
  • 24:00-28:00 Minutes: VT - What’s the fastest way to commute Challenge? Part 2
  • 28:00-30:00 Minutes: Show concludes and roll credits
These once again will be likely to change and become finer. However, for a first plan, we think we have done a good job at thinking about all possible outcomes before they happen. 

We decided to run through the final presentation to see what the timings were like.

It was 15 minutes on the first run through. 13:30 Minutes on the second run through and 11:20 minutes on our third run through. We are happy with the length of the presentation and think that all of the key points have been included. We are also confident that any questions that come our way will be able to be answered. As we have covered so much we hope that there will not be too many questions!

Here is the recorded run through of our presentation.This is the second run- through. The final run through cut out Cailans "ums" and my mistakes which cut the length significantly. 

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