Saturday 28 January 2017

MY FILM - Locations and Actors Part 2 (Film Prep)

For my project I am recreating this scene from Orphan Black.

I chose this scene because it is a good introduction to the show and also allows me to give my own interpretation on what I think should be going on.

The parts of the scene I am going to change are;
1) I will use a train like the original scene but due to restrictions due to filming on a national rail service I am going to film on a historical railway but I have been talking to Spa valley Railway back and forth and they do have a variation of trains running that day, and I think the diesel train service would suit the scene most.

2) I am changing the bar scene into a cafe scene because I feel it is a better place for them to have a natural conversation. I have been in contact with about 5 cafe/restaurants in Tunbridge Wells (same place as the railway) and they have said I can film at their shop so I just need to decide which one will suit the scene most. I am thinking an outside seated location slightly away from a road would be ideal.

3) Something I will inherently have to change is the woman getting hit by a train in my scene, this was the part that put off a lot of railway stations from letting me film as they said that even insinuating it would void any sort of filming. So I am going to have to be creative in the way I show it in my reenactment. I think I will have to show the characters feet walking to the edge of the platform and then cutting to black and using sound effects to insinuate someone getting hit.

4) In terms of visual style I want to change a few things from the scene. Most of the scene is shot long-lens and from far away and for my scene I would like to slightly change that by being a bit closer to the main character. This would be to get to know the character a little more, because in this opening scene there is not to much in the way of giving the character away, we don't learn much about her from the opening scenes.  I am slightly struggling with the apartment scene that happens after the bar scene because filming in a house is looking like it may be tough, however the kent film office suggest AirBNB which I have looked into and is possible but locations are scarce and expensive.but I will find a solution before filming day.

Here are the initial storyboards from my plans for the scenes, I will update them as I get new ideas but these are a basic plan of what I want to create in my scene. I will upload them as a seperate blog post.

Here are a few pictures of where I am going to film:

Tunbridge wells west station


In terms of actors I have done all of my casting so far through casting call pro. I have had good responses for the main character Sarah and I am in talks with 4 people who I have narrowed it down to. We are in conversation to know if they can make the day now as most of them have sent me a video of them reading the lines so I can review, but of course I don't want to make a final decision on someone who is not comminuted. As for the 2nd character it is ending up being a little more complicated. I have had responses to my adverts but they are based up north even though in my post I did specify east sussex, and as for direct contact through profiles I have not got any responses.

The way that I have been selecting actors to be in my scene are through the complex system on CCP in which you can select gender, eye colour etc all the way down to eye colour, but I don't want to be that specific as I do want some replies in a relatively short space of time. I will just have to wait a few more days and then I might try out Drama societies that where listed on myUca  but I will give the people I have messaged a chance before I jump to another platform of finding actors.

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