Monday 23 January 2017

Editing - Duel, Continuity Editing, Main Reasons

Duel (1971)
The use of editing in this scene is great in the way everything comes in closer as the scene goes on and the action gets faster.

The shots of the speedo also show us easily that the chase is speeding up without us having to just tell from the outside shots.

The use of a long lens made the truck look closer than it probably was meaning that it made the whole scene much more intense.


- Unique to filmmaking, and known as an invisible art because if it is done well then you won't notice it.
- Telling the audience how you want the audience to vision their work.
- Think about the editing before you film as you will need as much material possible when you come round to editing.
- Editing is true to the very first movie with editing "The great train robbery" where it has a proper narrative.
- Editing used to done on a Steenbeck (Pictured)
which is incredibly different to today's software.
- Films nowadays are cut a lot quicker as we have the software to do so, however films like goodfellas was cut on a steenbeck and seen as one of the best films of all time. So this shows that just because we now have the software to edit quicker and better, it doesn't mean the film will be better.

Continuity Editing:
- The main type of editing to have a story with a proper narrative.
- French new wave editing is a form of discontinuous editing and crossing the line consistently.
- Continuity editing is creating the continuous story, but this means you don't need to include every bit of action.
- Cutting material you don't need is the hardest part, especially if it's taken a long time to film.
- Biggest mistake is to leave too much in, and too much material.
- Getting the pacing rice is very important. Too quick and you can't keep up and too slow and you will easily get bored of what is happening.
- A back and forth scene doesn't needed to be edited that way. Pacing will change emotion.
- Cut for a reason, never cut for the sake of it, it must add something to the scene.
- When you cut: what and why are you showing and also how long are you cutting for.

Only clean single shot is right near the start of when they meet at the table. This is powerful as it instantly shows us that they have not seen us in a long time and obviously love each other.

The use of the extreme close up on the hands that there is a connection but the use of the close up is so we can clearly see what is happening.

Match on action:
- Matching an action from one shot with a similar action in the 2nd shot.
- Bone spinning up in the air then matched to a nuclear vehicle in space  (2001: A Space Odyssey)
-  Cutting things that might not work together (Godfather Christening scene) but when they are edited together it makes it powerful. This is because it's the irony of killing others whilst the bringing into the world of a new baby.

Fading in and out between scenes is a good way of showing time passing.
Dissolve can show time passing as well if you time it with a match on action.
Log clips with proper names and reference.
Assembly cut/ Rough cut/ Fine cut/ Final cut

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