Tuesday 26 September 2017

TV News Lecture - Storytelling and Scripting

  • Have something to say
  • WE "All of us are in this together"
  • Make it simplistic so that it easy to understand (plain and punchy)
  • Don't tell what we can show with pictures
  • Acting as it is happening in the moment and live but in reality it is recorded after the fact
  • Pacing of the words is important, Too fast is not understandable and Too slow is boring and drags on for too long. Short sentences are important. Over 16 is too many words but it's got to mix it up a little to change the pace.
  • Careful with words as people may think they mean different things
  • Only one change to understand what you are saying so make sure you simplify the language that you use. 

Writing techniques
  1. Allitertion
  2. Avoid repetition
  3. Wordplay
  4. Rule of the three (one or two is too little but three is just right)

Precise (spelling and grammar, speak clearly and concisely)
Accurate (check facts, are they reliable. ensure the information is up to date)
Germane (are the facts necessary, test the relevance, know your story, clarify your thoughts, top line)
Equitable (Balanced and fair news, make sure you give both sides)
Flow (Logic to form a natural order, tie writing using scripting to naturally go from place to place)

  • Dont repeat ourselves in pieces in the same project
  • Not too many facts and figures, detail comes later not right at the start of the project
Writing a good lead
  • Attention grabbing (creative and well informed)
  • Not overloading facts (headline moment, don't need facts right away - one sentence one thought) (too good to be true?)
  • FRESH and NEW
  • Active voice (subject, verb, object)
  • Be creative
  • Conversational tone (like you are speaking to someone - easily relatable) 
  • Narrative to tell the story (avoid cliches and don't artificially exaggerate stories and thoughts)
Tips for News production
  1. Using iconic pictures to go along with the words
  2. Read out words you have written to see if they make sense
  3. Use the right tone for the whole piece, is it right for what is being said?
  4. Writing for a news anchor: certain words to link the story
  5. Headline something that may be deeper at the top, lighthearted story will come after
  6. Know your audience, info will make sense for different audience
  7. Get the presenter to do things and get involved 
  8. Make sure the story has a proper narrative and one that the viewer can easily follow
  9. Know your story inside out so you can talk fluently on it
  10. Follow rules and regs especially for filming on roads and in cars
  11. Take timing on good soundbites so it is easier when coming to editing

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