Wednesday 27 September 2017

TV News Homework - Preparing a Script for Thursday "Southern Fail"

For Thursday we had to work on a script for a 1`45 News show from a press report that Helen gave us. We decided the best plan was to make a Skype call with all of us in to talk through the facts presented to us and decide how much of it we wanted to use.

Cailan read out the script and George and I stopped him when we thought relevant into was said and I wrote it on the hard copy of the press report that I had. By the end we had circled  mostly the facts that the viewers would be interested and affected by.

After highlighting the key info we started to arrange it into a script. Of course we can't have a new piece completely reliant on A Press release so we went online to try and find some information that was both relevant and also reliable. Here are the resources we used.

Pictures (PIX)
“On today’s news at 6. Student’s tuition fees continue to rise as debt skyrockets, Southern Rail’s disruption persists into another holiday season, and even more students are failing their degree”
*Generic News Music*
Wide Shot - News Anchor (Andrew)
“Southern Rail is planning to run a normal service on most of its routes during RMT’s latest strike starting this Friday. This will be the union’s 33rd and 34th days of strike action so far.”
MCU - News Anchor (Andrew)
“Passenger services director, Angie Doll stated ‘Southern plans to run more than 90% of their services as the strike continues.”
MCU - News Anchor (Andrew)
“Following widespread disruption to services around the holiday season last year, many customers were hoping for a better experience in 2017.”
MCU - News Anchor (Andrew)
“According to ‘The Croydon Advertiser’(1); nearly 59,000 southern services were either partially or fully cancelled last year alone. This equates to over 160 disrupted services each day.”
MCU - News Anchor (Andrew)
“Southern have asked RMT to reconsider the offers that have been made, including job guarantees made for workers.
Regardless, it is clear that the people affected by this most are the passengers simply trying to get through their morning commutes.”
MCU - News Anchor (Andrew)

On-Screen Text:
“Gatwick Express, Thameslink and Brighton trains will still run select routes during these times. For further information you can visit the Southern Rail website on screen now for further details.”
MCU - News Anchor (Andrew)

On-Screen Text: “” (3)
“Passengers can claim compensation if they are delayed by over 15 minutes. You can visit the website on-screen to do so.”
Wide Shot - News Anchor (Andrew)
“Coming up next; Student tuition fees rocket skywards and even more students are failing their degrees first time, is the test too difficult? We discuss this and more after these advertisements.”

This was the script that we came up with. We feel that it includes all of the relevant information that customers of the train line would need as well as the reasoning from RMT and Southern. The information we found from the Croydon Advertiser was interesting as it was a case study they did showing that on average 160 trains are disrupted each day! 

Andrew is going to be our presenter for the mini-project so we decided that he should do a run through to see if it was the right length. After a run-through it came in at 1:34 minutes which was good, including a generic news intro it would be up to 1:45.

I like to think we mixed in facts from the press release along with facts and studies found via various sources showing a fair side of the story. It means that it is not all one sided with Southern blaming the RTM, as both seem to forget that this is affecting people who have no choice about how they get to work or school.

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