Friday 22 September 2017

4K Camera Workshop - 22nd September 2017

Today was our first workshop with the new Panasonic 4k Cameras, same in size and weight to the Sony EX we used last year but the quality is significantly improved as well as the possibilities for the footage we shoot.

I do own a few 4k Cameras myself but in a way I had never played around with the settings and just kept them in standard. However as Ferg and Sam explained with 4k there is more to it than just quality. If you still export in 1080p then you can still shoot in 4k but if you have problems with stabilisation then you can crop and edit it so it is smooth. With The Sony's you could do this and keep 1080p so this is great to know incase we have problems when filming. 

I addition to this the cameras now support SD Cards meaning we can all contribute by buying one instead of the old cameras which used a different style of memory. George, Simon and I played around with the camera and really liked 120FPS in 1080p as well. This means if you plan a particular shot you can film it in slow motion without sound to get a very different style in shot.

I am interested to see what Panasonic say next wednesday, I own 2 Panasonic 4k Cameras myself so it will be interesting to learn more about their techniques because personally they are really pushing 4k in consumer products along with Sony. V-Log was a format like RAW for DSLR's where it records in a format that makes it easy to manipulate in post editing. It may be tricky for us to film in this for our project but it is definitely an option. 

I have put together a compilation of a few of the shots that we took today, in 4k and also in 1080p 120FPS. I downscaled the whole file to 1080p to show even though you are not rendering in 4k it still looks better than the footage shot in 1080 as you have 4 times the pixels and much more clarity.

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