Wednesday 22 March 2017

Documentary Presentation For Helen and Zoe

Today myself, Cailan and George had our presentation pitch in front of Zoe and Helen. 

We have now got more of a solid idea going into the pitch about what we wanted our documentary to be about and we split it into three sections. I would do the first three slides and Cailan would so the middle two slides whilst George would do the last 3.

I think that it went well, I really don't think I do well in these sort of presentations but I felt overall it went ok and we got some good feedback from Zoe and Helen which was the most important thing to make sure the project gets more focused on a specific part.

The general consensus was that we needed to focus on one style. They felt that we were trying to do too much and that possibly going either down the factual or the more funny side would be better than sort of hovering down the middle. We talked after and felt that if we were going to do the serious option it would be more down to the presenter to carry it rather than straight up facts.

We are slightly unsure which way to go as of right now, but I think personally the funnier option with trying stupid ways to look better would be my preference. We talked about who could present it, and it's a possibility that Cailan or I could present it but Zoe and Helen said that the presenter / guinea pig would need to be a "larger than life" character but will look through possible avenues soon.

It was nice to hear they thought the idea was strong and the feedback should help us shape it into something good. We're currently getting all the rest of the prep sorted so we can start filming after easter. The main thing we need to find is a presenter and then I feel we have good facts and figures to make something either interesting or funny.

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