Tuesday 13 March 2018

Live Production - Rehearsals Day 1 (13/03/2018)

Today was Day 1 of rehearsals for our live TV studio production. We got in around 15 minutes before the day was supposed to start, however, we were then told we needed to be in early each day to rig cameras. This was fine with me but some prior warning of this would have helped ease the nerves! 

One thing that seems to be a constant problem with the rigging is the cables that send the TV feed through to the gallery and beyond! Sadly I had never properly been told how to set it up and everyone I asked seemed to be unsure as well. This led to some of the Maidstone TV Studio staff having to help some of us get the cameras working properly. 

After rigging the cameras we then set up a mock set with marking tape showing the edge of the set as well as the catwalk and main stage. After getting on talkback and being ready to film both Cailan and I (we shared a camera today) followed the directors lead. Del released our camera had been located in a very strange position, right in the middle of the set, we remarked we had said the same thing and he suggested we wait for the directors to realise before we did anything. It was a way for the directors to be able to visualise that this position would not work. 

I took control of the first run-throughs and we did not get that far in the script. I realise it is very very hard for the directors to call shots and direct shots when they had only just been able to visualise the set moments before going live. We had a lot of short takes were either the director was struggling to get the right shot or the on-screen talent took slightly longer than expected or messed up words. At the time it may have been frustrating for everyone, but it was a good learning experience for everyone to know what the actual pace of the show will be.

As I am one of the studio camera operators, today was important for us to learn how to adapt to the changing of locations on the studio floor. There would often be a quick change from one side of the set to the other to get the correct angle of either the runway or the main sofa section. I thought it was important that even though I was only designated to work in part B of the show, that I lean both parts of the show in case my fellow camera operator falls ill near the shoot and cannot make Part A.

Today Cailan and I also helped each other with details like who is coming up next on screen. This is something that by the actual show we would have learned, but for now, it was really useful having the person who was not filming give tips and hinters of what may be called for next. I knew, from directing and practising before, That getting a shot ready or giving the director options is very helpful. I will always be looking for ways to help the person who is above me job's easier. In this case, this will be lining up shots ASAP for the director.

For this reason, Cailan and I switched about pretty frequently throughout the day so we both got a good an idea of each stage of the show. Even though we only managed around three pages of the first part of the show and five of part B, I feel like this was an experience we really needed as we could learn what works and what does not. 

After putting in a real audience and working out the logistics of where all the cameras could possibly go, we had some good takes and ones that would prove very valuable. I am personally still getting to the talkback system. I know there will be a lot of different voices going on at the same time, but the problem so far was the audio levels. One person would be really loud and drown out the other. This is something that will need to be perfect before we go live as we will need to know all information on the floor. 

I think we all worked well as a team today. When someone needed help there was always enough of us to change roles and help one another. I think that is one of the biggest things we need to achieve in this project, and that is fluid teamwork. Of course, we are settling into our roles and there is pressure to get that right firstly, but we are all treating each other with respect and filling in when need be.

We will be getting the actors in next week so there will be pressure to act in the most professional way possible as well as making sure we achieve more of the script that we did this week. The actors should, however, be better with their lines that us who are just filling in. It may have seemed like a rocky start as we did not get that far through the script, but in reality, we learned a lot today which was very important.

The most important thing today was giving everyone a good run in their role for this unit. I think that was achieved and for Cailan and me, I feel like it was a pretty smooth day. We focussed on what the director wanted and when needed our shots where ready which was important. Of course the directors will get up to speed and ask for shots quicker, but for now, we are all learning and things will only improve. It was a successful day and I am really enjoying these workshops and rehearsals as I enjoy the pressure of getting something done in time!

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