Monday 12 March 2018

Project Brief - Transition

  • What do you want to do as a role
  • What kind of TV do you want to produce 
  • NOT choosing a project you will do in the 3rd year - you are ONLY choosing your role and the video output
  • Have to chose a source material and reimagine it
Possible Examples
  • As a team, YOUR ROLE - Output: Essentially produce a 2/3 min short film
  • As an individual, WRITER - Output: Script of 10-20 Pages
Critical Research
  • Must demonstrate a critical understanding of your chosen skill set and format
  • Must be demonstrated through the online blog with relevant research
Delivery Format
  • The most appropriate form of delivery of this project is a dedicated website
  • Include final project as well as relevant research information
Bring TWO Ideas to one-to-one sessions on 19th or 22nd.

Possible Source Material
  • Grand Prix Driver on Amazon
  • Journey To Le Mans

1 comment:

  1. Really great websites for studying movie modifying. Especially movie copilot and philips blossom are really amazing. As a part of studying, i am in search of some good websites. But fortunately found this website and saved this page for upcoming referrals. Visit here


Production - Major Project Evaluation

Overall Process The creation of "Dream Chaser" has certainly been the hardest challenge of my life. I took on board the responsi...