Tuesday 13 November 2018

Pre Production - 2nd Presentation and Afterthoughts

Today was a chance to update our side of the group on our projects. I compiled a list of things I needed to include and the presentation and separated them into 4 sections
  1. What has changed
  2. Location Scouting
  3. Scripting
  4. Research
I also included a final slide with my intentions for the project ahead and what I will be focusing on. The presentation went well and I think I elaborated on the points that are most important for the success of this project.

Feedback was better than expected as well. Most people thought to have my Dad (or another family member... or friend/s) as a contributor was a good idea as it adds another layer of meaning to the story was important. I also had feedback about the slight adjustment to the story and I am happy that was well received. I feel the update to a more open theme will allow a wider audience than if I decided this would be a documentary specifically about motorsport. 

Other feedback I got was about shortening my pitch, I can condense it and make it more personal if I change "The contributor" to "I" or myself. People also mentioned that a good way to transition scenes would be through the use of my "diary room" sequences. I had never really thought about them as a way to transition but it is a good point I can use to my advantage. There are still scenarios where the transition from scene to scene needs to be updated, however.

Overall, I am happy with where the project is at. I have worked hard on the script over the past weeks and it is making some strong progress. I will be starting my website soon which will allow me to visualise all of my research and tests. However, I still have some work to be completed before I can set the website Live. Something I had on my "do-to list" is contact directors/writers and presenters and get a first-person opinion on how they do their roles. I was very anxious a few weeks ago about this project but the last few sessions have allowed me to flesh out the story and adapt it into a piece that I really can connect to. There is still work to be done, but I am happy that it is going in the right direction. 

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