Monday 8 October 2018

Pre Production Green Light Pitch


Major Project Pre-production - Journey into Motorsport

The pitch was clear and detailed. This project Has good potential for you to explore the role of a director/writer.

I can see the mechanics of the project have a clear sense to them. There is good evidence that you know how you want to make the film. What's not clear is the a story that is more than just a "how to" type film. If you want to explore a wide audience and get more out the subject, then you need to think more about your personal journey. We need more of a story. What is at risk here for you (other than the physical risk?). Why would I watch if I'm not into motorsport?

Motorsport is exciting - but characters are always more exciting. That's why we watch. How personal are you prepared to go in terms of your journey?

You need to produce a detailed directors statement that outlines your directorial vision.

In terms of your role - I have some concerns. At the moment whilst you say you are the director. It feels like you are producing too. You have to step back from being a producer - as this is George's role. If you produce all elements of the project now, then what will there be for George to produce?

You have to focus just on the directing elements. So things like schedule, contributors, locations, permissions, crewing, equipment, overall production plan etc - this needs to be left to George to produce from the new year.

You need to be researching documentaries and documentary makers. Particular ones who are the subject of their own story. Case stories. Make the research relevant.

You need to produce a detailed list of what you are going to contribute to the pre-production package. Email this to me before your next tutorial.

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