Wednesday 10 October 2018


This Blog post will show what the roles of the Major production until will be when we start in January. I am working on the major project and Cailan and George are working on hypothetical projects in pre-production. This blog will clearly identify which person will be responsible for what when we come to start the unit in January. I have liaised with Cailan and George throughout the unit so far and will continue to until we group together in early January. We also have a number of test shoots planned that we will do as a group. 

  • Cailan Cook will join me in January as the Director of Photography. As DOP he will be in charge of the documentaries visuals. He will start by adapting my script into storyboards which will help him visualise what I am writing. This will be of massive help when it comes to filming as we will use these storyboards to connect the story to visuals. Making sure we are all on the same wavelength will enable a consistent film throughout. He will follow my guidelines for how I want each scene to be shot and will decide what equipment is required to enable the scene to be captured in the best way possible. We will have multiple camera operators on some shoot days, meaning Cailan will be required to delegate who does what. We will have a variety of camera, with different qualities, some which better in low light and others that will create a better depth of field. It will be up to Cailan to ensure that the cameras are placed accordingly around the track as to ensure we get the shots decided in the script and storyboards. Cailan will also be helping direct when I am in front of the camera. It will be his job to shout action/stop and decide if something needs to be reshot. This means he will have to know the shots inside out and be able to offer opinions on how well a scene is going. He will work closely with George in making sure that the cameras are at the locations on time and also understanding what other equipment may be needed on specific days of the shoot. Cailan will also have a bit part in setting up equipment and lighting so that it looks the storyboards and scripts that have been created. A clear communication line between all of us will help make sure there are no issues with creating this project. Once the filming is complete, Cailan will need to transcribe the clips which I will use as the scriptwriter to edit my script.

  • George Nicholls will also join me in January becoming the Producer and Editor. As a producer, George will be able to offer an impartial perspective on the script and general layout of the documentary. He will oversee the production and decide which scenes should be included to offer the most authentic story. This will lead nicely into his role as editor as he can guide the story throughout, ensuring consistency. As the producer George will be responsible for helping set up interviews, organise equipment and locations that I want to use in my story. A clear line of communication has been present with George even before we started Pre Production as we knew we were going to work together. He will be in charge of the budget and making sure we find outside sources of investment. He will also work with me to try and attract sponsors that we can work with and that will also help us cover some of the costs of this project. As this project is expensive, keeping an eye on the costs is going to be vital in ensuring everything gets filmed within the budget. George will also have to work out schedules for filming days as well as how group members are going to attend the shoot days (Travel plans). He will also be in charge of filling out safety forms and booking out the required equipment. George will lend a hand on shoot days to ensure, along with Cailan, that the story is being told according to what we planned. He will also need to be fast on his feet when issues arise. As an editor George will have creative control of the final outcome of the project, he will have guidance from myself and Cailan to make sure the documentary is consistent throughout, but George will be the one making the decisions. He will be an active voice in the documentary as he will communicate with myself when I am going about my challenges.

  • I will be the Director and Writer. Since I will be the focus of the documentary it is important that I am able to both tell the story, but also distance myself from it. I will be Writing the initial story but relying on George to guide me terms of which scenes should be included.  I will be able to focus on directing each scene to get the most out of them using the knowledge I have gained throughout my research. The issue would be if I was solely in charge of the story, then it may lose its authenticity and our aim could get lost. As this was my idea from the start, it was important for myself to become the writer of this story and understand the order of events. I also have a good understanding of the subject matter which means writing the script would be the best for our group as both Cailan and George are relatively new to the subject matter. From my initial plans and order of events, I will place these ideas into a shooting script with rough guidelines of what is going to be said and shown on screen. This script will then be adapted various times before filming when key locations and contributors get confirmed. Once the filming is over, I will receive the transcribed clips from Cailan which I will then slot into an edit script which George can use in his role as an editor. My role as a director will be planning how the shots will be filmed and how to best create the cinematic style that I envision. I will work closely with Cailan on storyboards so we both have the same vision of the final project. I will develop a cinematic style and will send examples of reference material to the group so we are all on the same wavelength. As the director, it will be my role to decide the locations we will be shooting at, but up to George to obtain filming permissions. As I will be in front of the camera I will not be able to "direct" in the way that most directors do. I will have to be told where to stand and where to look in some circumstances, as I cannot see what the camera is doing. This is where help from George and Cailan will be important. As stated previously, I will distance myself from the creation process to ensure the most authentic story is being told. I am having continuous meetings with the group which is helping the story go down a path that is more authentic. Once the final list of events is decided, as previously mentioned, it will be put into the script which will all be found on my website.

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