Thursday 7 February 2019

Production - Shotlists and Questions for Contributor Interviews/Sequences


Dan Rowbottom - The Basics of Motorsport - Location: Cicely Motorsport 

Alex and Dan start by greeting each other then, after a few sentences, proceed to walk through the garage towards Dan’s race car. When at the race car, the two are stationary once again. Alex/ Dan may get into the car to create a more cinematic scene. General Rule: Main Camera captures a TWO shot, Secondary camera captures a C/U of whoever is speaking. “WALK 'N TALK*”

  • Various driving shots on the journey M/S,C/U of Alex, road signs etc
  • W/S establishing shot of the team building
  • M/S Alex walking into team building (punched in version of W/S) (Voiceover until this point)
  • M/S MAIN Camera follows Alex through to meet Dan (Speaking, Not voiceover)
  • The MAIN camera holds a M/S as two speak.
  • The SECONDARY Camera gets a C/U on whoever is speaking (pan between the 2)
  • The MAIN camera follows in a M/S as Alex & Dan walk around the factory
  • The SECONDARY Camera focuses on getting a C/U of whoever is speaking (If possible when moving)
  • When the two stop at the race car, MAIN Camera captures a M/S of Alex and Dan.
  • When the two stop at the race car, SECONDARY Camera captures a C/U of Alex OR Dan.
  • After the conversation ends, Main Camera focuses on getting C/U “Beauty” shots of the car. All around the car, ensuring to get some of the “CATACLEAN logos”
  • While the Main camera does this, the SECONDARY camera gets various W/S from around the factory. People working, other cars etc.
  • W/S from up high (Conference room?) Showing the whole site.

Jamie Caroline - The Cost of Motorsport - Location: Jamie’s house


  • Drone shot of town (EST Shot)
  • M/S Alex meeting Jamie at door entrance W/S (Covered by voiceover)
  • Multiple Static W/S walking to Jamie’s room (Covered by voiceover) 
  • MAIN Camera Two shot of Alex and Jamie in his room sitting down
  • Secondary Camera focusing on Jamie ONLY
  • MAIN Camera (After interview) To capture B-Roll from around room (C/U of trophies, awards, helmets, suits etc)

Bobby Trundley + Jon Allen (Team Brit) - Overcoming Adversity - Location: Silverstone 


  • Drone shot of circuit (If possible)
  • MAIN CAMERA Various C/U coming into Silverstone (Iconography)
  • MAIN CAMERA C/U Alex in car
  • MAIN CAMERA From in front: M/S Alex walking to “Sign in”
  • SECONDARY CAMERA C/U, M/S Iconography of Silverstone (ON TRIPOD)
  • MAIN CAMERA M/S Alex greeting Bobby & Two speaking (Covered by voiceover)
  • SECONDARY CAMERA (on tripod)  ULTRA W/S Two sitting down on chairs (in pitlane / near garages?)
  • SECONDARY CAMERA (on tripod)  (punch in from UW/S) W/S of Interview
  • MAIN CAMERA (Handheld) C/U of Bobby in interview
  • THIRD CAMERA (Handheld) C/U of Alex in interview AND C/U of items being shown (ie. Helmet, special controls etc)
  • After Interview MAIN CAMERA to capture M/S of cars on the track, down the pitlane
  • SECONDARY CAMERA to capture C/U various people speaking/laughing etc
  • MAIN CAMERA to capture GV’s Drivers getting in the car, firing up etc. 
  • MICROPHONE to capture RAW Audio of cars going around the track (ATMOS)
  • MAIN CAMERA or DRONE capture sunset
  • MAIN CAMERA Alex in the car after the interview, reflecting on what he was told (Hold for the contemplation)

Katie Milner - The Importance of Fitness / Mental strength - Location: Donington Park Circuit


  • Drone shot of circuit (If possible)
  • MAIN CAMERA Various C/U coming into Donington PK (Iconography)
  • MAIN CAMERA C/U Alex in car
  • MAIN CAMERA M/S (from behind) Alex walking
  • SECONDARY CAMERA (on tripod) UW/S Alex greeting Katie 
  • MAIN CAMERA M/S Alex & Katie speaking as they walk to the bench (near track)
  • SECONDARY CAMERA (on tripod)  ULTRA W/S Two sitting down on the bench
  • SECONDARY CAMERA (on tripod)  (punch in from UW/S) W/S of Interview
  • MAIN CAMERA (Handheld) C/U of Katie in interview
  • THIRD CAMERA (Handheld) C/U on hand movements when Katie speaking, C/U of Alex when he is speaking
  • MICROPHONE to capture RAW Audio of cars going around the track (ATMOS)
  • MAIN CAMERA C/U Cars on track/ in a garage if applicable
  • SECONDARY CAMERA (on the tripod) UW/S Alex saying goodbye & leaving

*Walk and Talk: "Interviewing a subject while they are doing something can be engaging for the audience and more relaxing for some interviewees than a formal sit-down. For example, in a factual interview, consider filming an athlete talking about the importance of pre-game warm-ups while she's doing her stretches, or, in a personal interview, have a single dad talk about his domestic challenges while he's preparing a meal for his kids. Then there's the literal walk-and-talk of a handheld interview where the cameraperson moves backwards trying to keep a uniform distance from the forward-moving subject." (Videomaker, 2009)

Videomaker, 2009


Daniel Rowbottom:

  1. So I’m going into my first ever race weekend soon, I just need a bit of advice about how I should approach it!
  2. So as you go into a race weekend on a track you have not raced at before, how do you normally prepare for it? 
  3. Do you find simulator testing or gaming helpful when learning the track?
  4. How important is doing some testing before the race?
  5. When testing, what should I be looking out for?
  6. How much time do you spend on setup work in your test sessions?
  7. So when you’re in the car before the race, how do you make sure you are in the right mindset?
  8. Great thank you, Dan, best of luck for the year ahead!

Jamie Caroline:

  1. So Jamie, how did you first get into motorsport?
  2. Did you find the financial aspect of motorsport was actually harder than the driving?
  3. Even when racing karts, how did you and your family manage budgets?
  4. As you get further up the motorsport ladder and into cars, it starts to get really expensive, how did you approach finding sponsors to keep you racing?
  5. Do you have any advice for me when trying to secure sponsors?
  6. Is it hard to constantly deal with the financial side of motorsport, while trying to focus on winning races and going for championships?
  7. In 2019, do you think it’s still possible for a driver with a lot of talent to make it to the top or do you always significant financial backing? 
  8. Awesome Jamie, well good luck for 2019, sure you’ll win whatever you end up racing!

Bobby Trundley (Team BRIT):

  1. So Bobby, growing up, how did you first find your love for motorsport?
  2. As a child, did you think that autism might affect you achieving your dreams of being a racing driver? 
  3. How hard was it to overcome the issues you faced to actually race a kart?
  4. How much of a role have your parents had in getting you racing?
  5. When getting in a kart for the first time, did it affect you, or did racing come quite naturally?
  6. You’ve gone on to win some large UK kart championships, do you think this proves to anyone that you should never give up on your dreams?
  7. What advice would you have for any other children growing up with autism, who want to be racing drivers?
  8. Does the emergence of teams like Team Brit mean motorsport is now much more accessible to people with disabilities? 
  9. What is the ultimate dream going forward?
  10. Thanks, Bobby, good luck in 2019! 

Jon-Allan Butterworth (Team BRIT):

  1. Jon, where does your love of motorsport begin?
  2. So instead of taking up a motorsport career, you joined the RAF, was it hard not being able to follow this dream initially?
  3. So in 2007, while in Afghanistan, you were involved in a rocket attack, what were your thoughts as it was happening? 
  4. So how and when did you realise you had severe injuries? 
  5. What was your first reaction when you realised the decision was made to amputate your left arm?
  6. Something that astonishes me is that pretty quickly you adapted and joined the Para-cycling programme in 2009, is it in your nature to push yourself and make the best out of any situation? 
  7. You went on to win a number of medals in Para-Cycling, how did you motivate yourself and go about finding new challenges?
  8. So recently you have turned your attention to motorsport, when did you realise this could be a possibility?
  9. So when getting behind the wheel for the first time, what were the biggest challenges?
  10. Do you feel you’re at any disadvantage now when racing?
  11. Bringing this back to where this all started. When you first realised you had your left arm amputated, did you think you could go on and achieve the amazing things you have?
  12. Do you have any advice for anyone with a disability who wants to get involved in motorsport?
  13. Well great, thank you Jon. Good luck in 2019!

Katie Milner:

  1. So Katie, before I race a car for the first time, how much should I be focusing on fitness?
  2. Do you have a regime you follow weekly to ensure you’re in the right condition for each race?
  3. What do you find the biggest challenge is when training and trying to staying in shape?
  4. In motorsport, what do you find are the areas which need the most work for a rookie driver such as myself?
  5. In a similar way, mental strength seems to be really important in motorsport, can you train for that?
  6. So when you’re in a wheel to wheel battle, how do you stay calm, making sure to do the right thing?
  7. Before I race, do you suggest I find a personal trainer and a routine that works for me?
  8. I better get to work then!

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