Monday 10 December 2018

Pre Production - Project Evolution DECEMBER

With less than two weeks in December, the foundations of all areas of my project were complete. I was very happy with my progress and I was able to develop my idea from a detailed piece, to a fully comprehensive one. My story now goes deeper and engages the viewer in my story and why I am passionate about this subject. This will allow the viewer to live my experience with me and allow further emotions to be shared. My script now allows an emotional connection between myself and the viewer which has helped the story feel more honest. I am very happy with all stages of my work, including updates to the website, script and Directors statement.

Evolution of the Website & Launch of Fundraiser 

My website has evolved drastically over the past few weeks. Key improvements have allowed me to directly insert my script and directors statement into the website using the google drive feature. This means that I can continue to update these on my google drive and it changes automatically on my website. This has meant that I do not need to spend time continually updating my website with each improvement. This has saved me a lot of time.

I have now filled out every page of my website, keeping to a BBC3 style (My chosen broadcaster) which has enabled our brand to stay consistent throughout. My website is visually pleasing which also fits the filming style we are going to create in our documentary. Below shows some of the pages on my website, showing consistency in style throughout. I put a huge emphasis on making it look visually pleasing, which has worked giving this website a professional look. I still want to make some last changes before submission, but these are only very minor.

The website can be viewed at


Scripting has been the largest challenge of this unit for me. The techniques used to bring the images and sequences you have in your brain and put them into a document is an art form in itself. It has allowed me to admire the people who create scripts as a job as it is a process that takes time.

Although it was a challenge, it was one that I really immersed myself within and it allowed me to develop as a video creator. As the script evolved it got deeper into my feelings as a contributor and allowed the viewer to feel purpose in this documentary. I added more sequences with my father which helped bring a better sense of emotions into my documentary. My Father is now a key part of this documentary and the sequences with him will allow my documentary to have a deeper meaning.

I am constantly updating and improving small segments of the script to ensure the mood and tone is consistent throughout. It is a challenge to enable every scene to be consistent but when they are, it allows you to visualise each scene very clearly. The purpose of making my script as detailed as possible is to allow the Camera Operator to understand each scene and adapt them into storyboards.

With only a few days until had in, I will not be changing many things on the script, simply making sure each scene works and has the correct shot type. Detail is consistent throughout and I am proud that my communication with Simon has been put to good use and the script has developed into something better than I honestly expected. The full script can be seen on the website for "DREAM CHASER"

Initial Schedule
I produced a rough schedule of what needs to completed each month until May 2019. I did this as it allows me to gauge how long we should be spending on each segment of our film. We will be scouting locations early on to ensure we have found the best camera locations. This is very important as my film is going to have areas of high cinematics. The race is one of them, will require a whole location recce for itself. There will have to be some filming early on so we can progress with the latter moments of the project, and have a story arc that resembles the actual challenge. The only sequence that will be out of place is the licensing scene which will be recorded at the start when in reality it will be in the middle of my documentary. The full schedule can be seen below.

  • George contact MSV about filming license and medical
  • Shooting schedule
  • Read Sponsors Book. Get notes ready to pitch ideas to companies at Autosport 

  • Storyboards 
  • Recce of Brands Hatch (Start)
  • Racing License Brands Hatch ARDS Test ACTUAL Shoot (Mid-End)
  • After Uni - Camera Test (DIARY ROOM)
  • Want to know Kart track for Interviews + Recce Locations
  • Film Filching Manor Sequence on RACE DAY (Sunday)
  • Contact Billy Monger Alt Interview
  • Scout Donnington
  • Film Kart Interviews
  • Film Brands PTC
  • Film Gym Segment
  • Film Money segment 
  • Film Diary Room
  • Film diary room
  • Film updates segments
  • Pick up Shots
  • START Editing
  • Film Testing Day
  • Film Race Day
  • Film Last diary room scenes

  • Voiceover 

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Production - Major Project Evaluation

Overall Process The creation of "Dream Chaser" has certainly been the hardest challenge of my life. I took on board the responsi...