Thursday 1 December 2016

Contextual Studies: OBSESSION 1976

De Palma uses some very horror-like music in the opening title and it is very similar to Halloween.

Gothic connotations in the opening sequence and also a big house show the type of amercia it is being shot in. The camera is constantly moving in the opening sequence which i think draws in the viewer as they are intrigued about what will happen next.

The gun at the start of the film is a great reveal as in a way it's not very subtle and forces you to realise that danger is a real possibility. The camera never seems to stop moving.

Having to physically dolly the camera into something as zooming was not as easy at the time meaning you had to interestingly use the camera. They do this to show us the ransom note.

There are a lot of simple editing techniques in the opening sequences but it keeps the start of the simple enough for the viewer to follow. Without narrative context however you may not completely understand some of the shots.

The use of certain camera shots what's to insinuate what the relationship of some characters towards each other are. We see us looking up/down at certain characters so that shows us who is in power and the one who is likely to be the lesser. Looking down at the camera diminished the subject and shows they have little power.

The subtext of what is being said makes it more interesting, we know what's being said has an underlying message.

Tracking shots used to move through time easily. Zoom was used to look closer up at the painting and then to reflect back to her eyes which have a similar pose to the painting.

Circular motion and pushing forward are motions that are used a lot throughout this film. The use of no dialogue through sme scenes is very different as it is a prominent feature in most films.

Soft focus throughout the film makes the lights look a lot different.

The use of a freeze frame at the end of the film is an interesting ending. As we know the relationship when they don't, it doesn't really conclude the film for some.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you've applied interpretation of stylistic elements in this film to both wider and personal understanding of cinema. Good work!


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