Wednesday 21 September 2016

25 Word Challenge - Wednesday 21st September

We had to write a 25 word story line for three titles set to us by Simon.
We had our own material in terms of newspapers to help prompt some stories. I had brought in a newspaper whilst Andrew, who I was working with, had an article and also used the internet to try and transform our set titles into an interesting story , mostly using ideas found in these articles.

The first task was “Big budget hollywood thriller with a big star”
We found an article in my newspaper about Daniel Craig so straight away we had our big star. Later on in the same paper we had an article about somebody helping children at risk of slavery, so this was our main topic. We then made up the rest of our story from ideas we had, so the final story was “Daniel Craig attempts to save children at risk of slavery, but gangs kidnap his wife forcing Craig to choose between the two. (22 words)

The second task was “A British comedy series for late night channel 4”
Tony Blair happened to be on the page we had open in the newspaper so he was going ton be apart of our story right away. Richard E grant was in the tv section, so we had our actor/comedian. The rest was made up around what would make into a comedy, so we came up with a title “God bless Blair” and a story of “Tony Blair portrayed by Richard E Grant, explains why he was a good prime minister, told through sketches based upon his time in office” We thought that this may not be a normal comedy, but thats why it’s on late night channel 4, because it is alternative. (23 words)

The final task was “Low budget short film based in a council estate” The only thing from the newspaper we got for this story was refugees being in some sort of trouble. The rest was made up to fit around the story given “Chaos in Clifton” and the story was “Refugees flock to clifton council estate but cause havoc for the locals causing unrest and unease. “(16 words)

I felt this task was a really good way of making us think about possibly story lines in a short space of time and also with inspiration from real life stories. Listening to everyones ideas, it shows you can come up with such a great story in a short space of time and also with such a limited amount of words.

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